Wednesday 30 April 2014

Change of seasons

It was Sunday that we visited the park and it was quite hot out at around nine in the morning, we had left home at 7.30am and it was comfortable wearing shorts and a T-shirt. I went hospital visiting the next morning in another pair of shorts and a light top.
I like this top but I have discovered that it really doesn't like me, wearing it I feel a bit uncomfortable because it has an elastic waist and it seems to show that I do have a tummy. It is also made from a sheer fabric and so I need to wear black chami under it. I think it is the colours that I particularly like and I usually wear it with light blue 3/4 jean shorts to match.

We left home around 8.15am for the train station and sitting out waiting for the train it was a little cool. Less than twenty four hours before, we were looking for shade but Monday morning I was searching for a bit of sun to warm me. How quickly the weather changes, luckily I had taken an umbrella, as later going from the train to the bus station, I needed to use it.

Instead washing the top and putting it back in the cupboard to select again because I like the look of it and I quickly forget that it doesn't do anything for me, I have put it in the pile to go to an Opportunity shop so that someone else can enjoy it. So far I have two big bags of clothes, shoes and handbags that I don't use any more, now all I need to do it drop them off somewhere, it is on my list to do for tomorrow. Still have lots of clothes that I either don't wear for some reason or they don't fit me right, would love to get down to the Project 333. That is 33 pieces of clothing including shoes and jewellery to wear for 3 months or a season. 

Tuesday 29 April 2014


In my spare time and while watching TV, I like to knit, then I don't feel as though I am wasting time by sitting in front of the TV.

I also like to see a finished product or object, reasonably soonish, patience is not one of my qualities. Knitting beanies fits many of my requirements, they are easy, I know the pattern, I get to knit, I can finish one in a short time, doesn't take much to sew up (not one of my fav bits!) and lastly I am doing something for less fortunate, so a definite win/win for me.

I have a stack of wool, at last count, it fills a laundry basket, some I have bought and some was from my mum's stash Mum was also a great knitter and crocheter but she would make blankets. Knitted squares to be made into blankets or she would crochet a whole blanket. Not my thing and my squares never seem to look like squares. The other day I was in an op shop looking for some vintage velvet for a project that I have in mind (just another one!) and there were two quite large bundles of wool, I bought them, just cant let a bargain like that pass by. There was around twenty balls altogether for $8, all new still with the bands on, retail would have cost easily $40-$50.I won't run out of wool for awhile, that's for sure.

I use up the small pieces by adding stripes and also to make them a bit different. There is a group that meet for knit and natter at the local libraries around and they knit for "Knitting for Brisbane's Needy, " I have donated items to them before and the above lot will go there too but I have missed this months meet so I'll keep knitting and will have more to add. so far I have knitted sixteen and hope to have doubled that by their next meeting.

I was on the train yesterday and knitting when a lady came and sat next to me (some people opt to sit elsewhere rather than next to some-one who is knitting!)and she remarked that you don't often see people knitting or reading a book on the trains these days, she then got out a book. Most people were on their phones! either checking emails, reading or listening to music.  

Monday 28 April 2014

OMG! I have just been offered a job!

This was not the topic that I was going to write today but when I got home from the hospital visit, Warren says there's a message for you about a job.

And yes, I have been asked to work as  Teachers Aide for five weeks. Scary stuff but as I have been told, I have done it before just not in Australia!

It doesn't start until next month and I will have to organize to get a Blue card which enables me to work with kids.

Sunday 27 April 2014

Breakfast (but not at Tiffany's)

Damned adverting! Last night while watching the news, McDonald's had a series of ads about breakfast muffins for only $3. It was an early rise for me this morning and I was thinking about breakfast and my usual oats and yoghurt really didn't appeal to me, so I suggested to the man of the house a trip out for breakfast and then a walk in the park. His comment "I shouldn't put the jug on for coffee, then?"
This was breakfast, of course we bypassed the cheap sausage muffin, I had the wrap with egg and bacon and coffee and Warren went for the full meal of muffin, hash browns and coffee. Then it was off to the Centenary Lakes for a walk and to feed the ducks. There was another reason for this as well, I am in a challenge to take a photo a day and there are prompts for each day and today's prompt was "Under my feet."
This is the photo that I posted for the challenge. It is a pleasant walk and when we go, I do think to myself, "I should come more often" There are hundreds of ducks, water fowl, ibis's and we even found some geese on the upper part of the lake. It is part of a 10,000 steps walk and we probably walked about 2 kms, stopping every now and then to throw out some bread crusts. I keep any crusts in the freezer so that if we do go, then there is bread to take and feed whatever birds are around. Even though it is late April, the sun was quite hot when we were not in the shade of the trees.

 Curious geese and they preferred to take the bread from his hand.
 The only pelican that we saw, in the first photo I took, he had turned and the photo was a back view, not a good look maybe he was trying to tell me something.
One fountain and a second in the distance. The beauty of our sojourn this morning is that I have two more photos that will be used for the next couple of prompts of the photo challenge.

Saturday 26 April 2014

Microwaves (as in ovens)

In one of the magazines that I buy regularly, either That's life or Take five, there was an article about using your microwave. It said that most homes have them but don't use them to their full potential, I can put my hand up for that one.

The article went on to list some ways that microwaves can be used and this is one that I particularly liked and have done it a couple of times since reading about it.
An easy dessert. I sometimes think that we don't eat enough fruit, its there in the fridge but snacks are usually some cheese and biscuits, or a slice of bread, even cereal in Warrens case, rarely do we grab a piece of fruit so I am trying to incorporate fruit into our meals or desserst. The dish in the picture was our afternoon snack yesterday, thanks to the idea in the magazine. Peel and slice an apple and place in microwave until it becomes soft, should only take a minute or two, best to do in one minute bursts, sprinkle with cinnamon and some sugar, I added some Greek yoghurt and a passion fruit on top. Warren was impressed and it only took a few minutes and there is our recommended two fruits for the day. While I was in the kitchen and because it was Anzac day I also made these
Anzac biscuits, the batch made 24 so after sampling a couple, the rest went into the freezer. another use for the microwave was to put dirty socks into some soapy water and place in microwave, I think that is not one idea that I will not be doing. 

Friday 25 April 2014

Anzac Day

The closest dawn service is at Bribie Island RSL, Warren had arranged to go with friends and he made a full carload so I didn't attend this time. He got all his stuff ready last nght and set the alarm for 2.30am, he was being picked up at 3am, the service was to start at 4.20am.

I woke and then went back to bed and was woken at 7am, he hadn't taken his keys, two mornings in a row I had to stagger out of bed! While I was getting my breakfast , I asked him if he wanted some and he said no, the RSL (Returned Service League) had supplied a big breakfast for veteran who were wearing medals on their right side. I said "That's stupid, veterans would be wearing them on their left side!" "Haha!" he replied "They were being sneaky as it was"right" as in correct, not right as in left/right. You know the correct side but anyone trying to get a free brekkie wouldn't know that!"
Warren with his medals after the service this morning.
Our son Jason and his boys after the service last year.

Apparently there were about 2000 people there, an increase on last year, numbers have been increasing over the years which does seem incredible but heart warming. Next year will be the one hundredth anniversary of the Anzac landing. I will be going to that one, I must ask my brother for dads medals so I can wear his as well as my own. I have a general service medal which I have never worn, I do wear the miniature one though. The full size one can only be worn at special occasions such as Anzac day services.

Thursday 24 April 2014

One of those days

Warren was going to the hospital today and said that he would leave after 8.30 and catch a train, I needed the car. He woke me at 8am  and said that he would catch the bus, great I thought, and snuggled down in bed. Next thing (it seemed) he was at the bedroom door saying that he needed to go now and could I drive him, he left saying that he would start the car.

Groan, I struggle out of bed and exchange my pj pants for a pair of trousers and decided that the pj top looked like a regular top (no time even for a bathroom stop) and off I stagger to the garage slipping on shoes as I went and picking up my bag just in case I get pulled over. It would be bad enough to be half pj's and  no bra without my license. Luckily I did get back home without the need to show anyone my license. I was also too awake to go back to bed.

I had my writing course this afternoon after two weeks holiday and I was really proud of myself as I wrote up my "homework" yesterday, only had three weeks to do it but finishing it with a day to spare was pretty amazing, I had even printed it off. I started to get ready, I like to combine things to do when I go out so packed my library books and found a theatre program in the bag, that I had collected, I remembered that Warren said that he was interested in going to see Mother Africa so I looked in it. Damn and blast its on next month not August like I had thought.

Five minutes was all that I needed to buy tickets online, yes right, it was more like twenty, then I had to rush as I needed to leave in ten minutes. Lunch!, no time so a couple of savoury biscuits with cheese, changed my T-shirt, grabbed my folder, still had last terms papers in there so quickly moved them to the back of folder. Then I remembered that I need a script filled so got that out of the drawer and away I go.

Five minutes to spare and when it was my turn to read my piece, it wasn't there, no of course not, I didn't pick it up. After class, I was going to the chemist and no script, still on kitchen bench. I did have my library books so exchanged them and I had half an hour before my hair appointment so I dropped into the Op shop I am trying to find some patterned velvet material. No such luck but I did pick a new pair of purple silk PJ's plus some wool.

Got out my wallet, no card, I bet it was at the computer, I had enough money to pay cash for my bargains but not for my hair cut so on the way to the car, I dropped in to tell them I would be late and why, Jan the hairdresser says to me sit in the chair  and I'll cut it now and then you can go and get your card. I have been a customer for a couple of years but she has no details on me at all.

Got home, no card at computer, what now, I emptied my handbag thinking that I had just dropped it in, in my haste to get away. It was in my card holder all the time in with another card not its on slot. Drove back to hairdresser and paid my debts then on to the train station to collect Warren. Gee it was nice to get home and relax.

Note to self, get everything ready first thing in the morning. At least half of my homework is already for next class

Wednesday 23 April 2014


We have very good neighbours who live across the road from us, they are the eyes of the street. A couple of years ago they both had a replacement hip operation and recovered pretty well after that. Last week Judy had to have her second hip done and she is due home from hospital today.

I have been cooking some extra meals to take over to them as I'm sure she wont feel like cooking for awhile. So, last night I made pea and ham soup, I haven't made that in ages but I know they don't like a lot of fancy meals so that would be nourishing and easy for them to heat up. I also made a quiche and a beef stew and some sausage rolls. I made double quantities so our freezer has been filled up a bit too. My chicken stock ice cubes  have been used so today I have some chicken carcasses in the crock pot simmering away.

I should be writing a piece for my writing class that starts again tomorrow, lets say I am thinking about it. Two weeks of holidays and I haven't done anything about it yet, shades of high school.

Tuesday 22 April 2014

The Monument Men, the movie

This is an awesome movie, it is a war movie but its like a side line to the war. It was based on a true story and after watching it today, I intend to do some research to find out more about what was stolen and where it was taken etc. Basically a team of men were tasked to find, recover and return to the rightful owners while the war was still raging.

The movie didn't last every long here at the cinema so we had to go closer into Brisbane to see it which took us past the Top Nosh Cafe  that I wrote about a few days ago. Wow, three visits in as many weeks, we did say though that we wanted to check out their meals, yummo! Warren had a burger which came with chips and I chose a mushroom and spinach omelette with a soft drink each.

George Clonney acted and directed the movie, Matt Damon, John Goodman, Bill Murray and Cate Blancett were also stars in it. Two hours long but very well done, we both enjoyed it.

On the news tonight, they were talking about movie tickets going to $20 by the end of the year, we paid $21 today

Monday 21 April 2014

The Stawell Gift

I looked up the TV guide this morning to see when the football was going to be televised and saw that channel one was televising the Stawell Gift today. It has always been held on Easter Monday and although I am not really into athletics because its close to my hometown this is one meet that I like to watch.

The heats are held in the lead up with the semi finals and finals on today, we watched while having lunch. Stawell was one of the gold rush towns and the Gift has been going for one hundred and thirty three years.

It is only running and events are held from 50 metres to 1600 metres, the gift itself is the highlight, think Melbourne Cup, as there are others events and distances but the main event is 120 metres. The semi winners were posting times of 12.21 to 12.42 sec, now that is fast! It is a professional race so the runners are handicapped and it is also run on grass/turf not a sealed surface.

Stawell, the township is in the western part of Victoria, a pretty town especially this time of the year with Autumn leaves starting to turn and fall, its on the main highway between Adelaide and Melbourne and besides being known as a gold rush town, it is famous for the Gift.

We used to watch it on TV when I was a kid so it brought back memories of sitting around the TV with family, I guess because it was "just over the border".

Sunday 20 April 2014

Federation Cup (women's tennis)

A couple of weeks ago we both received an email asking us if we would like to volunteer as ushers at the Fed Cup. We were going to buy tickets and had not got around to it, thank goodness. We said yes and we were in!

We had to go in for an induction meeting and collect our uniform which consisted of a hat, T-shirt and our pass. Fed Cup lasts for two days and was the best of three out of a possible five, four singles and a doubles match.

Only twenty ushers were needed so we felt quite honoured to be asked and then selected. It was much more relaxed than the Brisbane International. I was put with another woman, who had only worked in Corporate services before,so I had to show her the ropes of being an usher, due to numbers there was only two on each door but it was pretty easy as there was no need to check tickets and patrons could sit where they wanted,so our job was really only to open and close the doors at the right time and make sure that people didn't move round while play was on.

Yesterday we started at 10am, with the doors opening at eleven, play starting at 12 noon. They played the  two singles and both our girls didn't play that well and they lost their matches, but they were playing girls rated higher than them. It was a Semi finals against Germany.

Today, play was later starting and it took us over two hours to get there because of trail track work.We had to take a bus between Roma Street and South Brisbane. Sam played Kerber today and won the first set but went missing in the second set, losing it six nil, the third set was very good and it could have been anyones but Kerber won out in the end. That was the third and meant that Germany had won their way into the final.

Although it was a dead rubber, the doubles were played by Casey and Ashleigh, boy did they play well and ended up winning in a profession tie breaker. Some people left but many people stayed and watched the doubles which was good for all the girls.

Play finished around 5pm and then dinner was supplied for us, we were thinking sandwiches and maybe party pies. Prawns, oysters party pies, scones, fruit, boy what a feast! Best thing for me was our girl team, Sam, Ash and Casey came out and pinched some our food when passing by and I got to speak to all of them.

Arrived home at 8.30, legs are tired and so is the rest of the body but it was a good weekend.

Saturday 19 April 2014


When the weather gets a little cooler, I think of soup. I asked Warren yesterday which soup would he like me to make and gave some options. Potato and leek, pumpkin or chicken and vege. He said chicken and corn sounded good. No, I cooked the corn that we had and I didn't have any tinned corn. These days I cant be bothered going to the shops for one item so it was a no go. He then said potato and leek as we hadn't had that in awhile.

Leek sounds good but I only had onion or spring onion so I diced a large one and four potatoes and put that and some homemade chicken stock into the crock pot with the last of the bacon. For years I couldn't use stock cubes or stock powder as it gave Warren headaches, due to his gluten allergy as we now know. Pretty excited to be able to make and use my own stock thanks to a forum that I belong to, no real recipe which  I like but its chicken carcasses (I put in a bag in the freezer until I'm ready to make it and normally use two) and whatever vegetables and boil til the meat falls off the bones, cool and pour into ice cubes and bag up with frozen.

Three hours later the soup was cooked, I added a tin of carnation milk and wazzed it (Jamie Oliver's words) in the mixer to make it smooth, there was enough for three bowls.

As we were going to be out all day today and would be given lunch, a bowl of soup and a sandwich would be plenty for dinner. Two bowls in the freezer and one in the fridge.

I decided while the mixer and crock pot were out, i might as well make the pumpkin soup. Again no real recipe but I remember the first time I made pumpkin soup and so I make it similar. A big heap of pumpkin, a carrot, some more stock, a potato and a sweet potato, chilli sauce and tomato sauce and let cook til pumpkin soft. This resulted in another three bowls for the freezer. Running out of bowls so I didn't make the chicken soup, maybe I will make chicken and corn in a couple of weeks.

After a two hour train trip home tonight, it was so nice to just have to heat the soup, a chicken sandwich followed by a piece of watermelon, a quick easy and pretty cheap meal.

Friday 18 April 2014

Murphy's law

Just a little more, please, please, please I was thinking but no, of course not. Murphy's law comes into play. As I understand and was brought up to know Murphy's law was if something can go wrong or pear shaped it will.Gee thanks Murphy!Don't know who Murphy was but boy does he have a lot to answer for.

I was sewing in my sewing room and just needed that little bit more to finish and the cotton was getting very low. The material that I was working on was dark brown, browns are not my colours so goodness knows why I had bought it or what I intended to do with it. I have six large tubs of material that I have bought over several years and now that I am retired, finally it is the time to make it into something. I suspect that a pair of pants was the intended thought for this piece of material.

As this is not a colour that I usually use, it was hard to find sewing cotton to go with it but I did find a small reel that matched. I had sewn the whole thing and had the handles to put on. As they are top stitched, the cotton would be on show. NO! the last of the cotton went through the machine with only a couple of metres to go but I couldn't leave it like that. I must have about hundred reels of cotton but no more dark brown, off whites, caramel but no dark brown. I was not going to drive to Spotlight for a reel of cotton!

I had several reels of black and that was the best match so I finished the shopping bag that I was working on in black cotton. Then I made a second with black. I used some patchwork material to brighten it up.

One has two small pockets on the inside for keys and a phone. I possibly have enough to make another smaller one but these two held all my shopping yesterday.

Thursday 17 April 2014

Top Nosh Cafe

Last week I took my fourteen year old grandson to his dentist, my daughter told me to try the cafe next door after, as they do great iced coffee. We hadn't had lunch beforehand so in we went. It was like an Aladdin's cave! At first I thought I had walked into a dress shop instead as there were dresses and outfits hanging around the walls, there was jewellery and knicknaks placed around, very interesting.

We followed the pathway to a cash register, Jordan wanted coke and a bowl of chips with gravy, easy, I ordered the ice coffee with a scone. The place was packed, there were about eight tables and chairs (seating four) inside, three or four tables at the front and off to the side in a lane way were three low tables with lounge chairs, Jordan was able to get one on these.

After a few minutes, our orders arrived. My iced coffee was an ice cream soda glass filled with scoops of ice cream and a small pot of hot coffee on the side. The idea is to pour the hot coffee over the ice cream, oh my lordy, I had never had anything like it, it was delightful! The scone, jam and cream to go with it was pretty good too, I was glad that I had only ordered one. I did help Jordan with a few chips as he said that he couldn't eat them all, the gravy was good but not quite as good as the hospital gravy (that is our measuring stick for gravy)

On each lounge chair were big comfy cushions, some square and some smaller rectangle ones, these were done in patchwork patterned velvet, great look. I want to make some but I think it will be hard to source the material as I am pretty sure that they are antique.

I was telling Warren when I got home, he loves a decent coffee shop and said that we should visit Top Nosh Cafe in Apsley for a meal or afternoon tea one day. It so happened that we had a meeting in the city yesterday and would have to go past it, we left a little early so we could visit. He ordered carrot cake to go with his ice coffee and agreed that it is the best. Its not cheap, cost about $18 for two coffees and the cake but definitely worth it. We will go back for a meal sometime, meals were around $15-19, don't know if it is licensed or not as that doesn't bother us, best find in a long time.

Thank goodness that it is a fair drive from us, otherwise I could see us there often.

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Crap Wrap

As I had the family here over the weekend, ten altogether for meals, it required bigger plates, so I reached further into the cupboard to draw out one of my platters. I always smile when I look at this, its certainly not anything that I would buy, the colours don't go with anything else that I have and it doesn't go in the dishwasher!
I do like it though and use it often when there is a crowd. A full loaf of bread made into sandwiches, a kilo of chicken wings etc will fit on it.

I heard about "Crap wrap" and thought it would be good for our Red Hat group as we like to keep the costs down as much as possible and so we adopted crap wrap for our birthday celebrations a couple of years ago.

Everyone takes a wrapped gift and exchanges it, the gift is not to be purchased, so it is something from home, an unwanted gift or something surplus.We had all gifts in one place and used a numbers system for people to elect their gift, they came to the front, picked one and unwrapped it so everyone could see what they had. Once everyone had their gift, we set a time limit of ten minutes to swap their gift with someone else's, the only rule was they couldn't swap back. So if A swapped theirs for B, B couldn't swap with A again  but B could swap with C then C could swap with A etc etc. It was a lot of fun but in our group a couple almost came to blows over a small coin purse that two people wanted, hence the time limit.

I ended up with the above tray, which someone thought was ugly. It is true "One man's trash is another man's treasure"

Tuesday 15 April 2014


I belong to a forum that is about savings called Simple savings, most are home makers and there is some chat regarding routines. I have always thought that I don't have a routine but just do what needs to be done.

Wrong! I have fallen into routines without realising it, not that I am complaining I'm just surprised. Take this morning, have a shower and get dressed and make breakfast. My cereal and bowl are on the bench. Warren is always up before me and gets his own breakfast, while he waits for the jug to boil, he unpacks the dishwasher and leaves the bowl that I use on the bench, he also leaves the cereal out for me.

I usually wash on Monday's but it was wet yesterday so I washed this morning, took the clothes to the laundry and start that before settling down to eat my breakfast. We chat about our day and I said that I need to vacuum, Warren offers to do it. My first thought was no, no, I'll do it quickly changed to yes please.

I tidied the kitchen, packed dishes into the dishwasher, wiped down the benches and stove, by then the washing was finished and ready to be hung out. A quick flick round bathroom, make the bed and yay, housework is done for the day.

I have come to realise that having a set pattern or routine does make things easier and quicker to get things done.

Except for making lunch and dinner, my time is my own, time to get stuck into my sewing room and reduce my stash, huh, that will take some doing.

Monday 14 April 2014

Some quick renovs.

I like cats and have had cats in the past but I don't like the one that visits at night at our place. Its lazy and noisy. I was watering the garden, my new sweet corn that are growing well, when I noticed an extra clod of dirt. That's funny I thought, going closer for a better look, then the smell hit me! It was cat poo! Yuck, in my garden. Warren picked it up on the shovel and disposed on it, cats are supposed to cover their mess but this one must away from lessons that day. We have found other evidence in other parts of the garden and sometimes the cats fight on top of our shed which is just outside our bedroom window.

The last couple of nights cats have been jumping up on our screen door,we assume to catch the geckos who are waiting there for moths and insects, a fine food chain but flipping frightening at 2.30am when sound asleep, until realising it oh, its just those cats again. We have a glass panel in the front door and even when all the lights are off, there just enough moon or street lights to come through to draw the insects, then the geckos and finally the basted cats.

When we first moved in, the sunlight was too bright and so I taped some thick paper behind the panel, it cut the brightness down but not all the light.

Today,Warren has decided to block the light in the door by putting in a plywood panel, so hopefully the cats wont visit any more, this is his handy work.
Front door from the outside

Front door from the inside

Sunday 13 April 2014


Growing up my mum made our own chutney, sauces and jams. We had quite a big garden often the big stew pot would be boiling away with something on the stove, it was a wood fire so usually just pushed to the back to continue cooking. I was quite happy to eat Mum's produce unlike my sister who complained about "home made stuff", she insisted on Mum buying her a small bottle of tomato sauce. What she didn't know was when the bottle was empty, Mum filled it with the home made stuff and sister couldn't tell the difference.

When I married and moved away from home, we didn't have the luxury of a big garden, sometime no garden  at all, so I didn't get a copy of Mum's recipes. We would always come home from a visit with some jars of different stuff until it got too much for Mum to do.

The other day I read a recipe for Chutney and it reminded me of Mum's, the recipe looked quite simple and I had all the ingredients.
Recipe (as per the magazine)
5-6 large tomatoes
1 onion
1 apple
2 garlic cloves
2 tlbsp of brown sugar
pinch of salt

Everything to be chopped and boiled until it thicken. it was cooked in the microwave. I rarely follow a recipe but I had every intention of doing so for the chutney until I found I only had two tomatoes left and they were smallish.
I chopped them and added a tin of tomatoes and only added 1 tlbsp of sugar, thank goodness as it did seem too sweet so I added a dash of chilli sauce to counteract the sweetness.

It made two pots of chutney and I have added it to some meat sandwiches and pork chops, much taster than tomato sauce on its own. I love bbq sauce but have found that the spices in that causes mouth ulcers so I don't eat that any more.  I will be keeping this recipe and making it again.

Saturday 12 April 2014

Easter Egg Hunt

Our kids and their kids will be away for Easter so we had an Easter egg hunt today. This has been a tradition for awhile provided we are home. I don't spend a great deal and that's all that the kids get from us. I bought a large bag of the little eggs and have kept them in the freezer. I sorted them out this morning in four different colours, (four grandkids). We had lunch, very easy lunch as today it was about the kids, so chicken wings, sausages and sausage rolls,devilled eggs, coleslaw and a pasta salad with roast pumpkin (this was a new salad that I was trying)

We had hot cross buns for dessert and after the boys had played for a bit after they had eaten, we hid the eggs outside. They were given a bowl each which had one egg in it and that was their colour to find, twelve of each colour were put out and off the kids went. Of course it didn't take long for them to find them, the oldest 14, loves the chase but doesn't eat them so he gave his to the adults and the other three.

The youngest two (both six)comparing notes.
The two older ones (14 & 7) needed Grampy's help

Friday 11 April 2014

Cyclone Ita

I was going to write on a different subject today but the cyclone is very close and is a big one, category 5.We were watching Ellen while having lunch and Channel nine went to an ad break in the middle of an interview of Ellen's. Bad form, I thought or just bad editing but they broke for a cyclone warning update. The Premier of Queensland had a warning and instructions for people who lived in the area. Cooktown to Cairns.

He spoke for several minutes on what they could expect and the things that they should be doing and have in preparation,. by his side was a woman doing signing, this seems to be quite usual these days. One of the things that he mentioned was taking personal papers with them if they needed to evacuate, he went on to say that sometimes these things get overlooked if people need to move elsewhere within a short time frame.

The cyclone is due to hit the coastline at around 10 pm tonight so now was the time to prepare and move before the winds and rain became stronger.

We were in Townsville a few years ago when a cyclone was coming and while there were updates, people were not ready for it as they can be now. I went to work as usual the day before, Government job, and was told to go home and prep the house and yard for the disaster that was about to hit. I remember driving back home, it was only about eight kilometres away, the branches were being blown on to the roads and the cyclone was still a day away. It turned eerie in the afternoon, no birds, the sky was very dark and at times no winds then it would blow again. That cyclone hit in the early hours of the following at Ayr about fifty kms further down the coast. A wooden church was picked by the winds and moved about 200 metres away, there was only minor damage done to it, but quite a bit of damage elsewhere and a few people were injured.

I hope that everyone stays safe and there is no or only minor injuries this time, we can only hope that it may blow itself out or at least be downgraded..

Thursday 10 April 2014

Things that make me laugh!

There is nothing like a good laugh and as adults we probably don't do enough laughing. Driving in Brisbane yesterday waiting at lights a bus passed in front of me and I saw the word "Loves your butt". I did a double take, my eyes were surely playing tricks on me. (sometimes I find that one goes into a bit of zombie mind set while waiting for lights to change) I chased the bus with my eyes to see what it really said. Yep it really did announce "Loves your butt" above the words were 3 ply and a well known toilet paper brand. Well, that did make me laugh out loud, which would have been fine except my fourteen year old grandson was also in the car and of course asked what was I doing, I told him why I laughed and he had a bit of a snicker too before saying "That's the child in you Nana!"

I had taken him to the dentist to have his braces tightened and while there I saw a book on smiles and it stated that children smile or laugh at least 400 times a day yet adults smile on average only 15 time a day, how sad is that?

Warren had told me earlier that morning a little joke that he had read somewhere, it went something like this. A kindergarten class were asked to make a drawing and they got down to work while the teacher went and spoke to different ones and asked what they were drawing, there were replies of my garden, my family, my dog etc, she gave them each some encouragement before going on to the next one. One little girl said that she was drawing God, the teacher said to her, "But sweetie, no-one knows what God looks like." The little girl replied "Well, they will when I finish." This appealed to my sense of humour.

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Trust me! Out of the mouths of babes.

My youngest grandson is in hospital at the moment and I went to visit him yesterday. I arrive and hes watching cartoons on TV as well as being hooked up to an IV drip, "Hi Nana!" he says and goes back watching. I said to him that I saw on the wall that he had gym later that morning, "Yep" he says without taking eyes off the cartoons. "You can go and have a coffee" "I have just got here" "Not now" he says "When you take me to gym, big people can go and have a coffee then." Nothing like being told what to do from a six year!

The physio girl comes in and asks if he's ready to do his huffs and puffs (they need to paddle his back etc to loosen the mucus on his lungs)everyone gets real excited when he is able to cough and spit after each position. Another physio person comes in to ask if I was taking him down to gym (it saves one of the nurses having to walk him down). He got dressed after, must have street clothes and shoes and socks to go to gym and we wander down thru the lifts, outside the hospital and past the cafe. "Oh Nana, when you get a coffee, could I have a coke please?" "Sure, I'll bring one for you when I pick you up." The calories in coke are good for him. The receptionists know him of course and tell us to go thru to see Stu, Aidan likes "the boy" at the gym. Memory like an elephant except for names so he just refers to him as "That boy" (Stu would probably be mid thirties!) Aidan checks out what he is doing that morning and sees me still there, "Go on Nana, coffee time!" I leave after checking what time to collect him.

After gym, Aidan wants to go back to his room via the lifts, I'm not as confident using the lifts to get back but he is insistent that he knows the way and presses 4 in the lift. No, not that way so we go back down to the first floor and walk to the main entrance,I was intending to walk around to the lifts by the car park and then up. Aidan tells me that we can use the lifts in the main foyer, I'm not so sure. "Come on Nana, Trust me!" says the boy. Again we go up to the fourth floor and as soon as we step out, he says "Whoops, wrong one!"
Back to the bottom and then we go the way that I knew, finally getting to his room, where the clown doctors were waiting for him. Six months ago when he was last in hospital, he didn't want to know them but this time he was quite happy to spend a few minutes with them.

Seeing him is like a breath of fresh air, he always makes me chuckle.

Tuesday 8 April 2014


Usually I can tolerate people and their habits but sometimes it just gets to me like, today.

I was going to the Royal Children's Hospital to visit my youngest grandson and its far cheaper and easier to go by public transport, car parking is over $20 for even a short time.

Anyway, I left home by 7.30m, early these days by my standards and caught the train which wasn't crowded.. I got off at the station to catch the bus to my final destination. Walked up the stairs along and then down the ramp, there was a young woman in her twenties half way up the ramp, drinking coffee, as I got closer I noticed she was also smoking. The ramp was semi enclosed so there was nowhere for her expelled smoke to go, great! Had to walk through it.

I just wish smokers would consider others, I know that some do and there are less smokers these days but I still do not want their smoke or anyone else s in my face or lungs. Rant over now.

Monday 7 April 2014

Sunday a day of rest!

It was although I got a lot done of what I wanted to do. As we had friends for dinner on Saturday night, the house was clean and tidy so except for making the bed, meals and dishes, no other housework was required, I love days like that. Warren went to archery and I did have a bit of a sleep in. Decided that I should go for a walk but at 10 o'clock when I ventured out, the sun was beating in the front door so I closed it and stayed inside.

Spent some time on the computer and then cut out a sewing project that I have had in the back of my mind for awhile. Almost finished the cutting out when Warren got home. Lunch only took a few minutes and then I watched a recorded program on TV while I knitted. Cant watch TV without doing something, either knitting or some hand sewing.

I had a nana nap, really  read my book for a few chapters and play a couple of games on my tablet, these are word games to keep the grey matter turning over.

At four o'clock, I made coffee and we took it to the back patio, where it had become very dark, we watched the storm come in and had to go inside as we were getting wet, the rain drops were quite heavy. Spent the next hour in my sewing room then some hand sewing while watching Midsummer Murders. Heated some soup and sausage rolls for a quick dinner before the footy came on.

I finished knitting the beanie that I was on and then sewed it up plus the other four that I had done in the last few days. One beanie for an adult takes a night or two of TV watching and usually one ball, I now have six beanies for Knitting for the needy. Not often do I have such a productive day.

Sunday 6 April 2014

Egg Plant

This is a vegetable that I really enjoyed while we were living in China. Very early on, I learnt to say it in Chinese so I could order it if and when we went out to dinner. While visiting a young friend, he took me to the kitchen where his grandmother was cooking the dish, so quick and I was surprised at the amount of sugar, salt and soy sauce that she used. As Warrren cant eat soy sauce, I don't make it the way that she did but it was interesting to watch her.

Warren bought me a plant so that I could grow and cook my own, trouble was I had no idea when they were ready to pick. I belong to a brilliant website which has a forum and I asked the question on there and got several answers in double quick time. One lady said that she hoped I really did like them as one plant could generate up to 100 fruit. I think we have had about 20 so far and there is 3 or 4 small ones still on the bush. I picked two yesterday and used one in a dish for last nights dinner.

I cubed it and put it into my non stick fry pan and when cooked added a tin of tomatoes and then pasta at the end. We had visitors for dinner and they are quite fussy so I didn't know how they would like it, one guy had three serves.

 I gather that he must have thought it was alright. In the picture is the left overs which we had for lunch with some added mince and spinach. I like to use up left overs pretty quickly. Tonight will be be having chicken soup and a homemade sausage roll, quick and easy dinner as its footy time.

Saturday 5 April 2014

Electricity Bills

We have solar panels and had had for about three and a half years. At first our bills were around $60 then $80 gradually getting higher. Last year when we got home from holidays the panel in the garage was displaying a funny code. Ended up having to have it removed and repaired, thankfully it was still under warranty, just! It took three months and for that three months our bill was $362. Our solar provider offered to pay us compensation for not having the panels operating for that time, woohoo (we didn't even ask!) I received a cheque for $197, the bill is in my name.

Last bill came and I was interested to see how much it had gone down only to find it had increased to $384!!!Yikes!

I have set myself a challenge to see how much I can shave off the bill in the next three months, my goal is to reduce it by 25%, a big ask.

I look around the house now and the only thing on is computer and fridge, mircowave has been turned off at the wall, so has the washing machine and dryer, I only use the washing machine twice a week and the dryer rarely. Our A/C has an hour button on it and I'm sure that has saved us as we only set it going for the hour and then again if it feels hot.

I am trying to do any cooking or washing out of the peak times. As the weather gets cooler we wont need to use the A/C and while ours is supposed to be heating and cooling, the heating side of it went a few years back so now we use blankets if it gets that cold.

Friday 4 April 2014

Card carrier

A few months ago, I bought myself one of these
Card Carrier
and have been using it in conjunction to my wallet. I have on occasions just taken my keys and this with me to save taking a handbag, which I hate (using a handbag) but there are times when I do need something to carry stuff in,such as phone, pen, tissue etc etc.

A couple of weeks ago, I was filling the car with fuel and grabbed the card thingo to pay, all my cards are in there. Got inside and flipping through it  to find my bankcard was not in there. I had used it in the shops and dropped it into my open handbag instead of the card holder. Ran back to the car to get it, apologized to the attendant, paid and finally got out of there. Lesson learnt! wrong! 

Yesterday we went shopping, and we divided the tasks, one did the trolley while the other went and ordered coffee and cake, saving time! I said that I would load the trolley and paid for groceries, that was fine until Ii went to get out my card holder, not there! then i remembered that I had changed bags to go to a meeting two days before and my card holder was still in that one. Luckily I could see Warren, he had ordered afternoon tea and the check out lady was only half way through so I raced over and told him that he had to pay. 

He mumbled and grumbled but its the same account, he brightened up though when he realized that I couldn't buy anything else without him being there. Note to self, check where card holder is before going out, it would have been rather embarrassing to have no card and no hubby to bail me out.

Woody Point

Often we decide (usually me!) to go for a drive in our great state. Today Warren's choice was to go to Woody Point. I had made sausages rolls last night while dinner was cooking, I try to do at least two things in the oven at once. I packed some of the rolls, a sandwich, fruit for afters and a flask to make hot coffee/chocolate.

I love Jarra coffees the favorite is Swiss, which says it has "a hint of chocolate". After paying $6.75 for a small jar a few weeks ago, I had a go at making my own and this is what we use now. Cup of chocolate, coffee, sugar and powered milk, mix together, two teaspoons into a cup and fill with hot water. It makes a nice change from coffee, taste a little bit naughty and saves having to take milk on a trip like today.

 After lunch we walked along to the jetty and there was a wedding taking place, the footpath was just behind the ceremony so we made a detour, as they were saying their vows as we would have been behind them, not too good for photos! It was an enjoyable day out and only cost a bit of petrol to get there. Masses of little fish in the water and we amused ourselves by moving our arms and seeing them scatter in the water

Thursday 3 April 2014


Warren and I often watch Ellen during lunch but as we don't usually sit down to lunch until 12.30 or so, we miss half of it. Anyhow we turned on yesterday around 12.45, he was home later from tennis and saw the last guest. Warren did a flick around and there was a movie starting and he said that he  knew what it was about and asked if I wanted to watch it. I said no but asked him to record it to look at a later time. I was knitting and wanted to finish the row before going and doing anything.

Well, I got interested in the movie, it was based on a true story about the Perth Mint and then I thought to myself why cant I watch it now, I'm retired. A pleasant couple of hours was spent learning about a piece of our history which I didnt know before. It was an Australian production with Aussie actors and at the end there was an interview with the two brothers who were left. The story is about three brothers who were fitted up by police and served seven and nine years, the middle brother was released after a short time but was killed in a light plane crash, he was a pilot.

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Chair Covers

I have always had covers on the arms of the lounge chairs, usually lace runners picked up cheaply from somewhere like Sam's. With frequent wear and washing, they had become tatty so I threw them in the bins. The chairs looked bare but I just hadn't been back to the store to replace them.

Last weekend while fossicking in my sewing room for craft item, I located some material that I liked but hadn't known what to do with it. I had a haha moment, I could make chair covers from it.

I had some spare fleece which would go well as a bit of padding without making it too thick and bulky. Once I got started and measured out how long and how wide I wanted them, it only took a couple of hours.
the fleece inside