Friday 25 April 2014

Anzac Day

The closest dawn service is at Bribie Island RSL, Warren had arranged to go with friends and he made a full carload so I didn't attend this time. He got all his stuff ready last nght and set the alarm for 2.30am, he was being picked up at 3am, the service was to start at 4.20am.

I woke and then went back to bed and was woken at 7am, he hadn't taken his keys, two mornings in a row I had to stagger out of bed! While I was getting my breakfast , I asked him if he wanted some and he said no, the RSL (Returned Service League) had supplied a big breakfast for veteran who were wearing medals on their right side. I said "That's stupid, veterans would be wearing them on their left side!" "Haha!" he replied "They were being sneaky as it was"right" as in correct, not right as in left/right. You know the correct side but anyone trying to get a free brekkie wouldn't know that!"
Warren with his medals after the service this morning.
Our son Jason and his boys after the service last year.

Apparently there were about 2000 people there, an increase on last year, numbers have been increasing over the years which does seem incredible but heart warming. Next year will be the one hundredth anniversary of the Anzac landing. I will be going to that one, I must ask my brother for dads medals so I can wear his as well as my own. I have a general service medal which I have never worn, I do wear the miniature one though. The full size one can only be worn at special occasions such as Anzac day services.

1 comment:

  1. I went to the Beachmere service - rode my bike. A lot of folk there too.
