Monday 7 April 2014

Sunday a day of rest!

It was although I got a lot done of what I wanted to do. As we had friends for dinner on Saturday night, the house was clean and tidy so except for making the bed, meals and dishes, no other housework was required, I love days like that. Warren went to archery and I did have a bit of a sleep in. Decided that I should go for a walk but at 10 o'clock when I ventured out, the sun was beating in the front door so I closed it and stayed inside.

Spent some time on the computer and then cut out a sewing project that I have had in the back of my mind for awhile. Almost finished the cutting out when Warren got home. Lunch only took a few minutes and then I watched a recorded program on TV while I knitted. Cant watch TV without doing something, either knitting or some hand sewing.

I had a nana nap, really  read my book for a few chapters and play a couple of games on my tablet, these are word games to keep the grey matter turning over.

At four o'clock, I made coffee and we took it to the back patio, where it had become very dark, we watched the storm come in and had to go inside as we were getting wet, the rain drops were quite heavy. Spent the next hour in my sewing room then some hand sewing while watching Midsummer Murders. Heated some soup and sausage rolls for a quick dinner before the footy came on.

I finished knitting the beanie that I was on and then sewed it up plus the other four that I had done in the last few days. One beanie for an adult takes a night or two of TV watching and usually one ball, I now have six beanies for Knitting for the needy. Not often do I have such a productive day.

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