Tuesday 8 April 2014


Usually I can tolerate people and their habits but sometimes it just gets to me like, today.

I was going to the Royal Children's Hospital to visit my youngest grandson and its far cheaper and easier to go by public transport, car parking is over $20 for even a short time.

Anyway, I left home by 7.30m, early these days by my standards and caught the train which wasn't crowded.. I got off at the station to catch the bus to my final destination. Walked up the stairs along and then down the ramp, there was a young woman in her twenties half way up the ramp, drinking coffee, as I got closer I noticed she was also smoking. The ramp was semi enclosed so there was nowhere for her expelled smoke to go, great! Had to walk through it.

I just wish smokers would consider others, I know that some do and there are less smokers these days but I still do not want their smoke or anyone else s in my face or lungs. Rant over now.

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you Vicki. Hate them. What a waste of money and not good for health either.
