Saturday 12 April 2014

Easter Egg Hunt

Our kids and their kids will be away for Easter so we had an Easter egg hunt today. This has been a tradition for awhile provided we are home. I don't spend a great deal and that's all that the kids get from us. I bought a large bag of the little eggs and have kept them in the freezer. I sorted them out this morning in four different colours, (four grandkids). We had lunch, very easy lunch as today it was about the kids, so chicken wings, sausages and sausage rolls,devilled eggs, coleslaw and a pasta salad with roast pumpkin (this was a new salad that I was trying)

We had hot cross buns for dessert and after the boys had played for a bit after they had eaten, we hid the eggs outside. They were given a bowl each which had one egg in it and that was their colour to find, twelve of each colour were put out and off the kids went. Of course it didn't take long for them to find them, the oldest 14, loves the chase but doesn't eat them so he gave his to the adults and the other three.

The youngest two (both six)comparing notes.
The two older ones (14 & 7) needed Grampy's help

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