Tuesday 15 April 2014


I belong to a forum that is about savings called Simple savings, most are home makers and there is some chat regarding routines. I have always thought that I don't have a routine but just do what needs to be done.

Wrong! I have fallen into routines without realising it, not that I am complaining I'm just surprised. Take this morning, have a shower and get dressed and make breakfast. My cereal and bowl are on the bench. Warren is always up before me and gets his own breakfast, while he waits for the jug to boil, he unpacks the dishwasher and leaves the bowl that I use on the bench, he also leaves the cereal out for me.

I usually wash on Monday's but it was wet yesterday so I washed this morning, took the clothes to the laundry and start that before settling down to eat my breakfast. We chat about our day and I said that I need to vacuum, Warren offers to do it. My first thought was no, no, I'll do it quickly changed to yes please.

I tidied the kitchen, packed dishes into the dishwasher, wiped down the benches and stove, by then the washing was finished and ready to be hung out. A quick flick round bathroom, make the bed and yay, housework is done for the day.

I have come to realise that having a set pattern or routine does make things easier and quicker to get things done.

Except for making lunch and dinner, my time is my own, time to get stuck into my sewing room and reduce my stash, huh, that will take some doing.

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