Sunday 27 April 2014

Breakfast (but not at Tiffany's)

Damned adverting! Last night while watching the news, McDonald's had a series of ads about breakfast muffins for only $3. It was an early rise for me this morning and I was thinking about breakfast and my usual oats and yoghurt really didn't appeal to me, so I suggested to the man of the house a trip out for breakfast and then a walk in the park. His comment "I shouldn't put the jug on for coffee, then?"
This was breakfast, of course we bypassed the cheap sausage muffin, I had the wrap with egg and bacon and coffee and Warren went for the full meal of muffin, hash browns and coffee. Then it was off to the Centenary Lakes for a walk and to feed the ducks. There was another reason for this as well, I am in a challenge to take a photo a day and there are prompts for each day and today's prompt was "Under my feet."
This is the photo that I posted for the challenge. It is a pleasant walk and when we go, I do think to myself, "I should come more often" There are hundreds of ducks, water fowl, ibis's and we even found some geese on the upper part of the lake. It is part of a 10,000 steps walk and we probably walked about 2 kms, stopping every now and then to throw out some bread crusts. I keep any crusts in the freezer so that if we do go, then there is bread to take and feed whatever birds are around. Even though it is late April, the sun was quite hot when we were not in the shade of the trees.

 Curious geese and they preferred to take the bread from his hand.
 The only pelican that we saw, in the first photo I took, he had turned and the photo was a back view, not a good look maybe he was trying to tell me something.
One fountain and a second in the distance. The beauty of our sojourn this morning is that I have two more photos that will be used for the next couple of prompts of the photo challenge.

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