Sunday 13 April 2014


Growing up my mum made our own chutney, sauces and jams. We had quite a big garden often the big stew pot would be boiling away with something on the stove, it was a wood fire so usually just pushed to the back to continue cooking. I was quite happy to eat Mum's produce unlike my sister who complained about "home made stuff", she insisted on Mum buying her a small bottle of tomato sauce. What she didn't know was when the bottle was empty, Mum filled it with the home made stuff and sister couldn't tell the difference.

When I married and moved away from home, we didn't have the luxury of a big garden, sometime no garden  at all, so I didn't get a copy of Mum's recipes. We would always come home from a visit with some jars of different stuff until it got too much for Mum to do.

The other day I read a recipe for Chutney and it reminded me of Mum's, the recipe looked quite simple and I had all the ingredients.
Recipe (as per the magazine)
5-6 large tomatoes
1 onion
1 apple
2 garlic cloves
2 tlbsp of brown sugar
pinch of salt

Everything to be chopped and boiled until it thicken. it was cooked in the microwave. I rarely follow a recipe but I had every intention of doing so for the chutney until I found I only had two tomatoes left and they were smallish.
I chopped them and added a tin of tomatoes and only added 1 tlbsp of sugar, thank goodness as it did seem too sweet so I added a dash of chilli sauce to counteract the sweetness.

It made two pots of chutney and I have added it to some meat sandwiches and pork chops, much taster than tomato sauce on its own. I love bbq sauce but have found that the spices in that causes mouth ulcers so I don't eat that any more.  I will be keeping this recipe and making it again.

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