Friday 4 April 2014

Card carrier

A few months ago, I bought myself one of these
Card Carrier
and have been using it in conjunction to my wallet. I have on occasions just taken my keys and this with me to save taking a handbag, which I hate (using a handbag) but there are times when I do need something to carry stuff in,such as phone, pen, tissue etc etc.

A couple of weeks ago, I was filling the car with fuel and grabbed the card thingo to pay, all my cards are in there. Got inside and flipping through it  to find my bankcard was not in there. I had used it in the shops and dropped it into my open handbag instead of the card holder. Ran back to the car to get it, apologized to the attendant, paid and finally got out of there. Lesson learnt! wrong! 

Yesterday we went shopping, and we divided the tasks, one did the trolley while the other went and ordered coffee and cake, saving time! I said that I would load the trolley and paid for groceries, that was fine until Ii went to get out my card holder, not there! then i remembered that I had changed bags to go to a meeting two days before and my card holder was still in that one. Luckily I could see Warren, he had ordered afternoon tea and the check out lady was only half way through so I raced over and told him that he had to pay. 

He mumbled and grumbled but its the same account, he brightened up though when he realized that I couldn't buy anything else without him being there. Note to self, check where card holder is before going out, it would have been rather embarrassing to have no card and no hubby to bail me out.

1 comment:

  1. So many cards we have - I still like a purse and have found one that comfortably holds all my cards. And it is purple. :)
