Wednesday 9 April 2014

Trust me! Out of the mouths of babes.

My youngest grandson is in hospital at the moment and I went to visit him yesterday. I arrive and hes watching cartoons on TV as well as being hooked up to an IV drip, "Hi Nana!" he says and goes back watching. I said to him that I saw on the wall that he had gym later that morning, "Yep" he says without taking eyes off the cartoons. "You can go and have a coffee" "I have just got here" "Not now" he says "When you take me to gym, big people can go and have a coffee then." Nothing like being told what to do from a six year!

The physio girl comes in and asks if he's ready to do his huffs and puffs (they need to paddle his back etc to loosen the mucus on his lungs)everyone gets real excited when he is able to cough and spit after each position. Another physio person comes in to ask if I was taking him down to gym (it saves one of the nurses having to walk him down). He got dressed after, must have street clothes and shoes and socks to go to gym and we wander down thru the lifts, outside the hospital and past the cafe. "Oh Nana, when you get a coffee, could I have a coke please?" "Sure, I'll bring one for you when I pick you up." The calories in coke are good for him. The receptionists know him of course and tell us to go thru to see Stu, Aidan likes "the boy" at the gym. Memory like an elephant except for names so he just refers to him as "That boy" (Stu would probably be mid thirties!) Aidan checks out what he is doing that morning and sees me still there, "Go on Nana, coffee time!" I leave after checking what time to collect him.

After gym, Aidan wants to go back to his room via the lifts, I'm not as confident using the lifts to get back but he is insistent that he knows the way and presses 4 in the lift. No, not that way so we go back down to the first floor and walk to the main entrance,I was intending to walk around to the lifts by the car park and then up. Aidan tells me that we can use the lifts in the main foyer, I'm not so sure. "Come on Nana, Trust me!" says the boy. Again we go up to the fourth floor and as soon as we step out, he says "Whoops, wrong one!"
Back to the bottom and then we go the way that I knew, finally getting to his room, where the clown doctors were waiting for him. Six months ago when he was last in hospital, he didn't want to know them but this time he was quite happy to spend a few minutes with them.

Seeing him is like a breath of fresh air, he always makes me chuckle.

1 comment:

  1. Go the clown doctors. It is easy to get lost in hospitals!
