Thursday 24 April 2014

One of those days

Warren was going to the hospital today and said that he would leave after 8.30 and catch a train, I needed the car. He woke me at 8am  and said that he would catch the bus, great I thought, and snuggled down in bed. Next thing (it seemed) he was at the bedroom door saying that he needed to go now and could I drive him, he left saying that he would start the car.

Groan, I struggle out of bed and exchange my pj pants for a pair of trousers and decided that the pj top looked like a regular top (no time even for a bathroom stop) and off I stagger to the garage slipping on shoes as I went and picking up my bag just in case I get pulled over. It would be bad enough to be half pj's and  no bra without my license. Luckily I did get back home without the need to show anyone my license. I was also too awake to go back to bed.

I had my writing course this afternoon after two weeks holiday and I was really proud of myself as I wrote up my "homework" yesterday, only had three weeks to do it but finishing it with a day to spare was pretty amazing, I had even printed it off. I started to get ready, I like to combine things to do when I go out so packed my library books and found a theatre program in the bag, that I had collected, I remembered that Warren said that he was interested in going to see Mother Africa so I looked in it. Damn and blast its on next month not August like I had thought.

Five minutes was all that I needed to buy tickets online, yes right, it was more like twenty, then I had to rush as I needed to leave in ten minutes. Lunch!, no time so a couple of savoury biscuits with cheese, changed my T-shirt, grabbed my folder, still had last terms papers in there so quickly moved them to the back of folder. Then I remembered that I need a script filled so got that out of the drawer and away I go.

Five minutes to spare and when it was my turn to read my piece, it wasn't there, no of course not, I didn't pick it up. After class, I was going to the chemist and no script, still on kitchen bench. I did have my library books so exchanged them and I had half an hour before my hair appointment so I dropped into the Op shop I am trying to find some patterned velvet material. No such luck but I did pick a new pair of purple silk PJ's plus some wool.

Got out my wallet, no card, I bet it was at the computer, I had enough money to pay cash for my bargains but not for my hair cut so on the way to the car, I dropped in to tell them I would be late and why, Jan the hairdresser says to me sit in the chair  and I'll cut it now and then you can go and get your card. I have been a customer for a couple of years but she has no details on me at all.

Got home, no card at computer, what now, I emptied my handbag thinking that I had just dropped it in, in my haste to get away. It was in my card holder all the time in with another card not its on slot. Drove back to hairdresser and paid my debts then on to the train station to collect Warren. Gee it was nice to get home and relax.

Note to self, get everything ready first thing in the morning. At least half of my homework is already for next class

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