Sunday 6 April 2014

Egg Plant

This is a vegetable that I really enjoyed while we were living in China. Very early on, I learnt to say it in Chinese so I could order it if and when we went out to dinner. While visiting a young friend, he took me to the kitchen where his grandmother was cooking the dish, so quick and I was surprised at the amount of sugar, salt and soy sauce that she used. As Warrren cant eat soy sauce, I don't make it the way that she did but it was interesting to watch her.

Warren bought me a plant so that I could grow and cook my own, trouble was I had no idea when they were ready to pick. I belong to a brilliant website which has a forum and I asked the question on there and got several answers in double quick time. One lady said that she hoped I really did like them as one plant could generate up to 100 fruit. I think we have had about 20 so far and there is 3 or 4 small ones still on the bush. I picked two yesterday and used one in a dish for last nights dinner.

I cubed it and put it into my non stick fry pan and when cooked added a tin of tomatoes and then pasta at the end. We had visitors for dinner and they are quite fussy so I didn't know how they would like it, one guy had three serves.

 I gather that he must have thought it was alright. In the picture is the left overs which we had for lunch with some added mince and spinach. I like to use up left overs pretty quickly. Tonight will be be having chicken soup and a homemade sausage roll, quick and easy dinner as its footy time.

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