Saturday 5 April 2014

Electricity Bills

We have solar panels and had had for about three and a half years. At first our bills were around $60 then $80 gradually getting higher. Last year when we got home from holidays the panel in the garage was displaying a funny code. Ended up having to have it removed and repaired, thankfully it was still under warranty, just! It took three months and for that three months our bill was $362. Our solar provider offered to pay us compensation for not having the panels operating for that time, woohoo (we didn't even ask!) I received a cheque for $197, the bill is in my name.

Last bill came and I was interested to see how much it had gone down only to find it had increased to $384!!!Yikes!

I have set myself a challenge to see how much I can shave off the bill in the next three months, my goal is to reduce it by 25%, a big ask.

I look around the house now and the only thing on is computer and fridge, mircowave has been turned off at the wall, so has the washing machine and dryer, I only use the washing machine twice a week and the dryer rarely. Our A/C has an hour button on it and I'm sure that has saved us as we only set it going for the hour and then again if it feels hot.

I am trying to do any cooking or washing out of the peak times. As the weather gets cooler we wont need to use the A/C and while ours is supposed to be heating and cooling, the heating side of it went a few years back so now we use blankets if it gets that cold.


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  2. Isn'it getting scary, My electricity bills have trebled, don't have solar, turn everything off standby, do all the reducing cost saving I can, I live by myself so cant blame anyone.
