Saturday 19 April 2014


When the weather gets a little cooler, I think of soup. I asked Warren yesterday which soup would he like me to make and gave some options. Potato and leek, pumpkin or chicken and vege. He said chicken and corn sounded good. No, I cooked the corn that we had and I didn't have any tinned corn. These days I cant be bothered going to the shops for one item so it was a no go. He then said potato and leek as we hadn't had that in awhile.

Leek sounds good but I only had onion or spring onion so I diced a large one and four potatoes and put that and some homemade chicken stock into the crock pot with the last of the bacon. For years I couldn't use stock cubes or stock powder as it gave Warren headaches, due to his gluten allergy as we now know. Pretty excited to be able to make and use my own stock thanks to a forum that I belong to, no real recipe which  I like but its chicken carcasses (I put in a bag in the freezer until I'm ready to make it and normally use two) and whatever vegetables and boil til the meat falls off the bones, cool and pour into ice cubes and bag up with frozen.

Three hours later the soup was cooked, I added a tin of carnation milk and wazzed it (Jamie Oliver's words) in the mixer to make it smooth, there was enough for three bowls.

As we were going to be out all day today and would be given lunch, a bowl of soup and a sandwich would be plenty for dinner. Two bowls in the freezer and one in the fridge.

I decided while the mixer and crock pot were out, i might as well make the pumpkin soup. Again no real recipe but I remember the first time I made pumpkin soup and so I make it similar. A big heap of pumpkin, a carrot, some more stock, a potato and a sweet potato, chilli sauce and tomato sauce and let cook til pumpkin soft. This resulted in another three bowls for the freezer. Running out of bowls so I didn't make the chicken soup, maybe I will make chicken and corn in a couple of weeks.

After a two hour train trip home tonight, it was so nice to just have to heat the soup, a chicken sandwich followed by a piece of watermelon, a quick easy and pretty cheap meal.

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