Wednesday 30 April 2014

Change of seasons

It was Sunday that we visited the park and it was quite hot out at around nine in the morning, we had left home at 7.30am and it was comfortable wearing shorts and a T-shirt. I went hospital visiting the next morning in another pair of shorts and a light top.
I like this top but I have discovered that it really doesn't like me, wearing it I feel a bit uncomfortable because it has an elastic waist and it seems to show that I do have a tummy. It is also made from a sheer fabric and so I need to wear black chami under it. I think it is the colours that I particularly like and I usually wear it with light blue 3/4 jean shorts to match.

We left home around 8.15am for the train station and sitting out waiting for the train it was a little cool. Less than twenty four hours before, we were looking for shade but Monday morning I was searching for a bit of sun to warm me. How quickly the weather changes, luckily I had taken an umbrella, as later going from the train to the bus station, I needed to use it.

Instead washing the top and putting it back in the cupboard to select again because I like the look of it and I quickly forget that it doesn't do anything for me, I have put it in the pile to go to an Opportunity shop so that someone else can enjoy it. So far I have two big bags of clothes, shoes and handbags that I don't use any more, now all I need to do it drop them off somewhere, it is on my list to do for tomorrow. Still have lots of clothes that I either don't wear for some reason or they don't fit me right, would love to get down to the Project 333. That is 33 pieces of clothing including shoes and jewellery to wear for 3 months or a season. 

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