Friday 4 April 2014

Woody Point

Often we decide (usually me!) to go for a drive in our great state. Today Warren's choice was to go to Woody Point. I had made sausages rolls last night while dinner was cooking, I try to do at least two things in the oven at once. I packed some of the rolls, a sandwich, fruit for afters and a flask to make hot coffee/chocolate.

I love Jarra coffees the favorite is Swiss, which says it has "a hint of chocolate". After paying $6.75 for a small jar a few weeks ago, I had a go at making my own and this is what we use now. Cup of chocolate, coffee, sugar and powered milk, mix together, two teaspoons into a cup and fill with hot water. It makes a nice change from coffee, taste a little bit naughty and saves having to take milk on a trip like today.

 After lunch we walked along to the jetty and there was a wedding taking place, the footpath was just behind the ceremony so we made a detour, as they were saying their vows as we would have been behind them, not too good for photos! It was an enjoyable day out and only cost a bit of petrol to get there. Masses of little fish in the water and we amused ourselves by moving our arms and seeing them scatter in the water

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