Thursday 10 April 2014

Things that make me laugh!

There is nothing like a good laugh and as adults we probably don't do enough laughing. Driving in Brisbane yesterday waiting at lights a bus passed in front of me and I saw the word "Loves your butt". I did a double take, my eyes were surely playing tricks on me. (sometimes I find that one goes into a bit of zombie mind set while waiting for lights to change) I chased the bus with my eyes to see what it really said. Yep it really did announce "Loves your butt" above the words were 3 ply and a well known toilet paper brand. Well, that did make me laugh out loud, which would have been fine except my fourteen year old grandson was also in the car and of course asked what was I doing, I told him why I laughed and he had a bit of a snicker too before saying "That's the child in you Nana!"

I had taken him to the dentist to have his braces tightened and while there I saw a book on smiles and it stated that children smile or laugh at least 400 times a day yet adults smile on average only 15 time a day, how sad is that?

Warren had told me earlier that morning a little joke that he had read somewhere, it went something like this. A kindergarten class were asked to make a drawing and they got down to work while the teacher went and spoke to different ones and asked what they were drawing, there were replies of my garden, my family, my dog etc, she gave them each some encouragement before going on to the next one. One little girl said that she was drawing God, the teacher said to her, "But sweetie, no-one knows what God looks like." The little girl replied "Well, they will when I finish." This appealed to my sense of humour.

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