Wednesday 23 April 2014


We have very good neighbours who live across the road from us, they are the eyes of the street. A couple of years ago they both had a replacement hip operation and recovered pretty well after that. Last week Judy had to have her second hip done and she is due home from hospital today.

I have been cooking some extra meals to take over to them as I'm sure she wont feel like cooking for awhile. So, last night I made pea and ham soup, I haven't made that in ages but I know they don't like a lot of fancy meals so that would be nourishing and easy for them to heat up. I also made a quiche and a beef stew and some sausage rolls. I made double quantities so our freezer has been filled up a bit too. My chicken stock ice cubes  have been used so today I have some chicken carcasses in the crock pot simmering away.

I should be writing a piece for my writing class that starts again tomorrow, lets say I am thinking about it. Two weeks of holidays and I haven't done anything about it yet, shades of high school.

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