Monday 14 April 2014

Some quick renovs.

I like cats and have had cats in the past but I don't like the one that visits at night at our place. Its lazy and noisy. I was watering the garden, my new sweet corn that are growing well, when I noticed an extra clod of dirt. That's funny I thought, going closer for a better look, then the smell hit me! It was cat poo! Yuck, in my garden. Warren picked it up on the shovel and disposed on it, cats are supposed to cover their mess but this one must away from lessons that day. We have found other evidence in other parts of the garden and sometimes the cats fight on top of our shed which is just outside our bedroom window.

The last couple of nights cats have been jumping up on our screen door,we assume to catch the geckos who are waiting there for moths and insects, a fine food chain but flipping frightening at 2.30am when sound asleep, until realising it oh, its just those cats again. We have a glass panel in the front door and even when all the lights are off, there just enough moon or street lights to come through to draw the insects, then the geckos and finally the basted cats.

When we first moved in, the sunlight was too bright and so I taped some thick paper behind the panel, it cut the brightness down but not all the light.

Today,Warren has decided to block the light in the door by putting in a plywood panel, so hopefully the cats wont visit any more, this is his handy work.
Front door from the outside

Front door from the inside

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