Tuesday 29 April 2014


In my spare time and while watching TV, I like to knit, then I don't feel as though I am wasting time by sitting in front of the TV.

I also like to see a finished product or object, reasonably soonish, patience is not one of my qualities. Knitting beanies fits many of my requirements, they are easy, I know the pattern, I get to knit, I can finish one in a short time, doesn't take much to sew up (not one of my fav bits!) and lastly I am doing something for less fortunate, so a definite win/win for me.

I have a stack of wool, at last count, it fills a laundry basket, some I have bought and some was from my mum's stash Mum was also a great knitter and crocheter but she would make blankets. Knitted squares to be made into blankets or she would crochet a whole blanket. Not my thing and my squares never seem to look like squares. The other day I was in an op shop looking for some vintage velvet for a project that I have in mind (just another one!) and there were two quite large bundles of wool, I bought them, just cant let a bargain like that pass by. There was around twenty balls altogether for $8, all new still with the bands on, retail would have cost easily $40-$50.I won't run out of wool for awhile, that's for sure.

I use up the small pieces by adding stripes and also to make them a bit different. There is a group that meet for knit and natter at the local libraries around and they knit for "Knitting for Brisbane's Needy, " I have donated items to them before and the above lot will go there too but I have missed this months meet so I'll keep knitting and will have more to add. so far I have knitted sixteen and hope to have doubled that by their next meeting.

I was on the train yesterday and knitting when a lady came and sat next to me (some people opt to sit elsewhere rather than next to some-one who is knitting!)and she remarked that you don't often see people knitting or reading a book on the trains these days, she then got out a book. Most people were on their phones! either checking emails, reading or listening to music.  

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