Saturday 26 April 2014

Microwaves (as in ovens)

In one of the magazines that I buy regularly, either That's life or Take five, there was an article about using your microwave. It said that most homes have them but don't use them to their full potential, I can put my hand up for that one.

The article went on to list some ways that microwaves can be used and this is one that I particularly liked and have done it a couple of times since reading about it.
An easy dessert. I sometimes think that we don't eat enough fruit, its there in the fridge but snacks are usually some cheese and biscuits, or a slice of bread, even cereal in Warrens case, rarely do we grab a piece of fruit so I am trying to incorporate fruit into our meals or desserst. The dish in the picture was our afternoon snack yesterday, thanks to the idea in the magazine. Peel and slice an apple and place in microwave until it becomes soft, should only take a minute or two, best to do in one minute bursts, sprinkle with cinnamon and some sugar, I added some Greek yoghurt and a passion fruit on top. Warren was impressed and it only took a few minutes and there is our recommended two fruits for the day. While I was in the kitchen and because it was Anzac day I also made these
Anzac biscuits, the batch made 24 so after sampling a couple, the rest went into the freezer. another use for the microwave was to put dirty socks into some soapy water and place in microwave, I think that is not one idea that I will not be doing. 

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