Saturday 31 May 2014

A new car?

Warren had a light bulb moment last week and started off by saying "Er, don't know what you think of this but I have been thinking!" Uh ho, that doesn't sound good. He went on to say that he thought we should trade our car for something that would be suitable for everyday use as well as pulling the caravan. We had discussed before about buying a cheaper work horse vehicle just for towing, as we both are happy with our car and want to keep it. I said "Funny you should say that as I had been thinking that we would be costing ourselves an extra thousand dollars a year just to have a second vehicle without even running it."

Later on that afternoon, I checked on the internet to see what vehicles were around and what prices. We want a diesel auto with a bigger motor for towing. Yes, there were quite a few so no problems there. Warren also looked later that night and sees one and of course we go into negotiation. he went and looked at it on Thursday (he wanted to wait for me but I told him to look himself) he seemed happy with the way that it looked and felt, he test drove it but did say that it was heavier than ours. They agreed to hold it for us til today.

We drove down and I could see bubbles on the back window, we were told that the tint had to come off to pass registration. There was a paint chip on the bonnet, a broken catch on the glove box, no mats. It felt smaller than ours when I sat in it. I declined a test drive, I figured if Warren had done that, that was good enough for me, besides I did not want to take a different vehicle out on a main road in weekend traffic.

Into the office we go and we invited to sit and coffee was supplied, then there was the handing over of the keys of our car. Sales woman came back and started writing figures down, first was the Jeep at $16,888, then she wrote Tucson (our car) after that was $6000 so the changeover price would be $10,888. Warren said, "No" he beat me to saying No! She went on to say that the Tucson were hard to move and if it was a 4wd, then they could have offered more yayaya! but with the coolant leak and the timing belt needing to be changed that was their offer. I pointed out to her that the internet price had been $15888 and she said that as they had to fix the paint work that was where the extra thousand came in. I said again about the listed price so she changed the figures which brought it down to change over price of a $9,888. Where upon we said thanks but no thanks, we would not be buying the Jeep.

We have seen our model car advertised up to $14,000 (with more mileage on the clock) and while we didn't expect to get that, we did expect quite a bit lower change over price. I would have liked $4000 but would have gone to $6k possibly even $6.5K but not 10k, we felt insulted on behalf of our car!

Friday 30 May 2014

A bonus!

As I drove into the garage tonight, I could see Warren in the kitchen at the stove, hummm maybe he was cooking dinner. It was only 5.40 pm and we normally have eat around 6.30pm. Dreadful thought but I was hoping he wasn't cooking sausages, I usually have some snags in the freezer, they're handy if the kids come as I know that they are something that they will eat but I don't particularly like sausages and would much rather leave them in the freezer.

Anyway, what was cooking was crumbled ham slices and steamed vegetables. Crumbled?? my husband had been hiding his light under a bush! I had opened a can of ham a couple of days ago for sandwiches and did think that he could use the rest for an easy lunch. He had looked in the fridge and saw that and decided to crumble it.

He sliced the ham into fairly thick slices dipped them in a beaten egg and then into some crushed corn flakes and lightly fried in the pan, wonderful.

Dinner was served five minutes after I arrived home and I didn't have to think about dinner or do anything about it.  Bonus! (It tasted pretty good too!)

Thursday 29 May 2014

Second day at work

Well, work is very different to what I have been used to in the past. One thing that is probably me, I tun up to class, ten minutes early.I did this this morning and introduced myself to the teacher and explained who I was and why I was there, as the teacher looked a little non-plussed. Then he explained that it was form class (this takes part ten minutes before class). I was invited to sit and wait while he went thru messages and notices then everyone left. I felt like little Orphan Annie!

First lesson was due to start at 9.20 am, (rather different from an 8 am start!) around about 9.25 am, there were noises outside and  saw the girl that  I was to assist so at least I was in the right place, then students drifted in and the teacher, more introductions, lesson may have kicked off at 9.30 am.

It was science! luckily it wasn't too taxing for me and I helped just the one girl and we finished the class with a word search.

The differences between teaching and teacher aide???? I get to sit down, sometimes I don't even have to do too much. This afternoon I went to support a student in Maths 11, seeing as I only went to third year high school, I was hoping that I wasn't going to have to help too much. They had a revision sheet to work on and so I did one as well, really taxed my brain but I worked out most of the formulas so I'm not brain dead just yet. My student did well and then it was lunch. No bells is hard to get used to but as an aide I am finding that I don't have to be first there.

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Fuel prices!!!!

Oh my. I headed off to work this morning (yes, work!) and one f the petrol places that I drove past was advertising fuel (the kind I get )for only $1.77 a litre. Good grief and I just about need fuel too.

The next station which is about five kms away and on the other side of the road had posted $1.61, phew thats better! The second has alwys been a little cheaper which seems weird as they are the same fuel company.

Tonight while driving home, I was stopped for  breath test, quite happy to answer "No" to the question "Have you had anything to drink tonight?" it was about 5.10pm, two minutes later i was on my way again after the copper advised me to be careful of oncoming traffic.  Cant remember the last time i was breath tested, possibly fifteen years ago.

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Quilting show

Today, I went to a quilting show/exhibition on Bribie Island. I think they have it every year as I do remember going about five years ago. An entry fee to break the bank! $3 which included morning tea, I was going to comment that you couldn't get much better than that but I guess free would be cheaper!

I didn't take my camera so no photos but gee, some people are just so talented. Makes me want to get quilting but I know that I am just not precise enough to put quilt together. I like to appliqué and stuff like that but I am in too much of a hurry to get things finished to piece things exact but I do like to go and look and marvel.

There were a couple of interesting quilts today of the same sort and we decided that it must have been a competition, they were called suduko (the puzzle with numbers) the squares all had nine squares each different colours and placed in different ways.

We got to vote on the quilt that we thought was the best overall. My girlfriend who I took with me voted on the same one which was made by a guy, well we assumed because his name was George. It was a stunning quilt, black background with very vivid colours, slightly Asian looking prints with gold fleck through them, just amazing.

 We laughed as the last time we went to a quilt show and had to vote, we chose opposite to what our colours are, I like most things blue and wear a lot of blues and my GF wears pinks. She picked a blue quilt as her favourite and I chose a pink one but today there was no question, George's oriental quilt was head and shoulders above the rest.

Monday 26 May 2014

Half time at the footy

When the footy is on TV you will usually find me in front of it, doesn't matter who's playing of course if its my team that's a bonus. Saturday afternoons in winter, my spot is in my chair, coffee by my side, knitting in hand, my idea of bliss. However, I am not that keen on the blow by blow account that the commentators do, to pass the time at half time, so I tend to get up and do something else until the game is back on.

I drink weak black coffee and sometimes, I feel like something else, I used to buy a rather expensive coffee blend for those occasions but I have come up with an alternative that I make myself. The blend is called Swiss Moments and is described as 'Creamy coffee with a hint of chocolate." My blend is two part coffee, one part chocolate, one part sugar and two parts milk powder. To make it, I get out my mixer which lives in a deep cupboard. I didn't have any left so half time Saturday was a good time to make it.

I rinsed off the mixer and then decided to use it to make some fish cakes while I had it out. I had a tin of tuna and fish meals are a little lacking in our diet. I used the shredder on the mixer to grate some carrot, zucchini and sweet potato, all good to spin out the tuna and make it taste good plus use up some vegetables.

Warren wanders into the kitchen and asks what was I doing, I told him and he is still hovering. He then asks why I am making them, I reply for tomorrow's lunch. He has a strange look on his face before he says, "Have I forgotten something?"   "I don't know, have you?" "Well, are we going somewhere or having anyone over?" No, I said this is just for us on a Sunday afternoon. He looked relieved, and said "Phew, I thought I was supposed to know something" He does have a bad memory but not that bad.
Four cooked fish cakes and the rest are cooking, they will be for the freezer for another day.

Sunday 25 May 2014

"Do you want fries with that?"

Our car has been coming up and then overdue for a service and we have been talking abut getting it serviced. We have had it done since we have owned it, at Kmart which has been okay but they always without fail ring and say we need such and such done. They offer a service for a set price which is good $129 but its the extras that they want to do.

Last time it was new tyres and alignment plus new wiper blades, the wiper blades would only be an extra $30 to replace and fit. Warren did them a couple of weeks ago, cost $8 and five minutes to fit. He told them not to worry as he had a discount for a tyre place and yes, got them cheaper there. Hence, he refers to them as "Do you want fries with that?"

We were going to change and go to a new place but when it came down to it, its easy to get to Kmart to take the car there and also pick it up again, just a short bus ride so we went to them again.

Warren took it there on Friday before he needed to go to work and he caught the bus home. Only been inside five minutes and they rang and reported that the wiper blades were not the right ones, should they replace them, no they were told, they work fine. Then they said that the air filter was very dirty and should be replaced, okay do that. Then because the air filter was dirty, the manifold should be cleaned and scraped of carbon, that would be an extra $125. It probably was dirty, however that is what it does so of course its dirty and has nothing to do with the performance of vehicles.

It ended up costing us $200, the initial cost of $120 plus the replacement air filter. Drove it Saturday night and it didn't feel right, Warren said "I bet they pumped the tyres right up" he checked and yep, they had 40 pounds of pressure in them, we run them at 35-36 and that gives a softer ride, maybe shortens the life of the tyre by 2/3000 kms so nothing really.

It will be another 12 to 15000 kms before we need another service and I don't think we will be back to Kmart, cant stand their up-selling or as Warren says "Do you want fries with that?"

Saturday 24 May 2014

Interesting buildings

A few weeks ago when we went to Dayboro, I was surprised by the buildings in the main street, some of them looked quite old and different.
A church in the main street, I didn't think to see what church it was, I was struck by the fact it was in the main street!
Probably a house once but now it is a real estate business. Love the veranda
Now an information office and they hold poetry readings once a month on the front porch on Sunday mornings.
and finally this one where we had coffee and a pie, got to love country towns. There is one more but it was too difficult to get a photo of because off the trees. It was a small cottage and now is used as a craft shop, selling the locals craft and food stuffs. The front room is the reception area and the others rooms have the different crafts, one is all knitting, another one has sewing, woodwork is out the front as one enters and cooking, pickles and jams etc in the old kitchen. I always pay a visit there when we go, love t buy some local produce and also get idea re crafts.


Card Night (and Dinner)

Years ago we had young kids and very little money, we used to meet with friends for dinner and then our entertainment was a game of cards. When the kids bedtimes came, they would be put to bed in the lounge while we continued. We probably did this once a fortnight and alternated who's home would host.

Years later with many states, houses and moves in between we find ourselves living in the same suburb as our card playing friends and we still play cards.

Some things have changed, our kids all have children of their own, dinners are a little bit more fancy and the host supplies the wine as well now. Used to be that the guests would bring the wine, now the guests just turn up and enjoys the meal without having to do a thing. Our game playing has gone from three or four games in a night to only two and we only get together about every six weeks or so as even though we are all retired, we are too busy to meet more often.

Last night it was our turn to be the guests and it was nice to have roast pork and vegetables plus lemon pie and no dishes yay.

Thursday 22 May 2014

6.20AM Blergh!

This was the time my alarm went off yesterday morning and the time that I should have got out of bed, (I stayed under the doona for another few minutes hehe!)

It all started the night before when I received a phone offering me the" chance of a lifetime" something that would knock my socks off, a fantastic opportunity ending with an education experience not to be missed. My daughter is such a crack up, she wanted me to do something.

When she had gone to work that day, the guy that I am replacing (filling in for) for five weeks had suggested that I go into "work" and he could give me a bit of a run down on what he does and who he works with etc etc.

I didn't need to be persuaded and said "yes, please". It meant leaving home at 7am, hence the early morning alarm. Sleeping in until about eight, no blaring alarm bells had become habit forming and the having to get out of bed and get going was a bit hard to get into at first.

I left just after 7, 7.04 to be precise (I try to have ten minutes up my sleeve so any time in that ten mins is good) and arrived at Sheri's at 7.55, where upon I am informed that it was Bakery day. What the? Apparently Wednesday is the day they buy breakfast at the bakery on the way to school. I bought a little cup cake, should have just stuck to a drink as the cup cake had enjoyed a long life, must longer than it should have, later when it was pitched into the bin, it hit the edge and bounced into the air. Now, I ask you, should a cup cake be able to do that, Nooooo!

I spent a couple of hours with Mike, he showed me work that the kids had been doing and gave me a lot of information on the kids that he supports, he had a time table for me and then he took me around the grounds and showed me where classrooms that I would be going to. I hope I asked intelligent and well thought out questions. Next week when I go to work for real, I will be prepared (for exactly what I'm not sure but I will be able to find my way around)

Then I sat in a maths class and felt very dumb, I guess I had done those at school and after 60 minutes of the lesson, I did feel a glimmer of understanding of what it was about and how it was done, I think. I am sure back in the day, (just a few years since I was at high school) we didn't do foils!!! We just did algebra with x's and y's.

I met more of the teachers and kids that I would be working with and involved with, it was certainly well worth going along for the day. It did feel good to be back in school even though it was quite different to what I have used to.

The last part of the day (the education experience) was attending the hospital and seeing the bandaging come off JDs (14 year old grandson) surgery, how fascinating.

Wednesday 21 May 2014

South Brisbane

While sitting to have lunch this bird decided that he would like a drink.No zoom was used, he was no more than two metres from me. (probably eyeing off my lunch too)
As seen here, the water bowl is only a couple of centimetre from the ground, enabling him or dogs to be bale to obtain a drink. Tap above for running water. After the bird had taken his fill and wandered off a young couple came and washed a lettuce under the tap, they had bought it somewhere and a group of them were using the bbqs just behind.
 The scenery from our park bench, it was a mild day about 23 degrees and they were runners going by and bike riders, people pushing prams, families walking and somehow I managed to miss all of them.

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Mother Africa (The show)

 We went in by train, only way to travel, no traffic hassles, no parking hassles or cost, definitely a win win to take public transport. We do have to change trains but then it is a block to the theatre from there.

As we had to leave by 11.30, we walked along the river and bought lunch before going in, it was so nice along the river, that's another place that every time we go I think, why don't we do this more often but can only do what one can do.

Warren told me as the lights were going down that he had a bit of a headache and then the MUSIC started. I wondered how his head was coping but he said after that it was fine. I did note that he took a couple of panadol after we got home, he said it was probably the pizza and coke that he had eaten the night before.

 Wow what a show that was. Very loud but not loud in the sense that you wish you could turn it down. Very energetic and a fun show.

Lots of drumming, little singing which surprised me I thought there would have been more. Lots of acrobatics, juggling tumbling, cycling on one wheel with the bikes getting bigger, a couple of strong men who tossed one another around. It was a very colourful and enjoyable show, two halves of about fifty minutes each. The backdrops were scenes of Africa shown in a map of Africa.

Warren said that he had heard that the acts had come from people doing busking on the streets and some-one thought it would be a neat idea to put them together and tour, it was!

Monday 19 May 2014

Modern Technolgy

Just got to love it! Warren was reading his tablet this morning in bed while I was still sort of asleep. then he checked FB and saw a message from our daughter, she had had to take our grandson back to hospital to get his surgery site checked. He had texted her at 5am from his bedroom, no more than 10 steps from his room to her bed to say that his stomach felt like it was going to explode.

From bed, I grabbed my phone and sent her a message to ask if she needed me to come and look after the younger one, just sent it and decided that it would be quicker to ring so scrolling thru numbers and the phone goes, dah, it took me a couple of seconds to realise it was the landline which is in the kitchen. The answering machine cut in before I got there but was able to answer anyway. She then says "Were you texting from your bed"? Where else would any sensible person be at 8am if they didnt have to get up?

Further message says that surgeon has been and had a look and everything seems okay, just a bit of a shock to the system, dad took carers leave to look after younger one.

All this modern techo but how do you write it, is it text, texting or texted, or should one say, sent a text rather than texted?

Sunday 18 May 2014


Costco is coming to town just down the road, well about 17kms down the road. I have been meaning to sign up but it is still a couple of weeks away from opening so of course I haven't done anything about it yet.

Wednesday or Thursday, they featured on the news as the petrol side had opened that day and petrol was 20 cents a litre cheaper than anywhere else. On Friday in our local free paper there was an application form and Warren asked me if I wanted to join. We decided to go  a little earlier as we were heading that way later on in the afternoon. We filled out our form and went, there were cars everywhere and a line up of about a hundred people in front of us, we waited for twenty minutes and had only moved a short way. Warren went up the line and there was about another twenty or thirty people inside. If people had paid on-line, they were in a different line and just picking up the cards. We left and decided to sign up on-line. Must have taken a lot of money that day, and no goods sold. Sixty dollars to become a member but the savings are said to be very good.

Saturday 17 May 2014

Jet Star flights

Last night we were talking to friends about visiting our son in Melbourne for his birthday and we said that it was a matter of finding the time to fit in a trip! The problems that one faces in retirement!

I had thought that it would be cheaper and easier to fly/drive but trying to convince the other member of the family (Warren) could be the problem. We usually take the camper van when we go down but its a 3/4 day drive, spend 3/4 days there and then another 3 days to return (always quicker to come home). A guessimate was two weeks min and fuel would be 7/8 fills at around $75 a tank plus camp fees at $30 a night, starts to add up, already at $1350, without the addition of coffee or snacks on the road.

An email from Jetstar come in this morning, I am a member and get notification of sales and as they are having their 10th birthday, they had some cheaper flights. Brisbane to Melbourne only $79. I am checking on availability when Warren walks past and asks what I am doing, I tell him that I am seeing how much it will cost to fly. He agrees that it would be cheaper plus he didn't want to miss out on a ride or Motor GP so I booked flights. Ended up that we have had to go a week earlier so that it doesn't clash with anything else we have on.

Only going for four days, cost $390, $79 each to fly down and $99 each t fly back and oh don't forget the $17 each to book online and pay by credit card! What the? It took several minutes to book as the site kept offering other little luxuries such as picking own seat only $11 each, travel insurance only $12.50 each, extra luggage $10, donation to Starkids $2, booking a car.


Of course all these extras are added on to the cost so if one doesn't want them, then one needs to find how to delete them off the bill. I finally got it done and then the cost of using a credit card which was the only way to pay.

Friday 16 May 2014

Toilet seats

These things have been the bane of my life recently. A few months ago, the seat in our en-suite was looking tacky, instead of white, it was a yellowy colour and had also gone quite hard so it was replaced with a nice new white seat with a self closing lid, bonus.

Move on to about six weeks ago, after my shower, I put my leg up on the toilet seat to dry it like I have done for years and there was a crack! Oh no, I have cracked the reasonably new toilet seat, thank goodness we have another toilet which was in use for a couple of days until we got to the shops and bought a new one. Note to self, do not put leg on toilet seat.

On Sunday while using new seat, now about about five weeks old, I lent to one side to pick up an empty toilet roll that had fallen to the floor and crack, it went again! I know that I do weigh more than I should but I didn't think that I was that heavy! It appears that the seats we had bought had quite high lugs underneath them to raise the seat off the porcelain and there was only three points so if the weight shifts then it results in cracking. See it wasn't me after all!  (well, not all me anyway).

Warren put hundred mile tape on the seat so that it could be used and yesterday, a free day for him, he ventured to the "Big boys toy shop" (Bunnings hardware) and bought a solid wooden seat and installed it.
This was twice the price and it doesn't have a self closing lid but it is solid and warm to sit on, bliss (I also know that it is NOT going to crack!)

Thursday 15 May 2014


I visited the woman that I am helping with her sewing on Monday. I took a couple of books of patterns for her to look at, while we were going through them, I realised that they were too advanced for her just yet so I brought them home again. There is a pattern in one that I think would be suitable for her eight year old granddaughter and so I will draft the pattern first.

The book show clothes and then there is the pattern but as there are about 20 pattern in each book, the patterns run over each other and at first it is daunting to know how to draft a pattern from it.

I was having a more in depth on Tuesday and one pattern really appealed to me, I have not looked at these patterns in years and had de-cluttered the rest of them, I did have about a dozen or more but now only two and I don't really know why I held on to these. I thought I could make that and it would be
suitable for Lindsay, our only grand daughter. The flowers and leaves also featured in the pattern and as I had some felt from another project a few years ago, it was quite easy to do while watching TV. then I made a second one in drill, the first one is black corduroy and good for winter over a jumper or a long sleeved shivvie.
I added the frill as by spring, she will probably need the extra length and hte green was a piece that I had in my stash. I did go and buy the black and the drill and I got another couple of pieces as well so i should get four items for under $20. Ryan will be  twelve in June and I will send the black dress down for Lindsay with his birthday present.

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Chocolate slice

I was asked to make something chocolatey (is that even a word?) for dessert on the weekend. Combined mothers day and grandson's seventh birthday lunch/party. Oh boy, I don't cook much these days and didn't want to just make a packet cake. I racked my brain and remembered a chocolate slice that my Uncle used to make, probably 40 odd years ago. He had a real sweet tooth and always had lollies and often this chocolate for when we visited. I didn't know the recipe but could remember some of the things in it.
It had rice bubbles in it and mixed fruit so I went shopping as I had none of those things in my cupboard. My version was a large block of plain chocolate and copha, I melted these together and added to three cups of rice bubble, half a packet of mixed fruit and a packet of small marshmallows. Mixed together and set in the fridge. It worked a treat. Did cost a bit though, I left the rest down at son's place as I figured that we didn't need the extra calories (the above was much fuller than this). We had the last two pieces each for an after lunch treat yesterday and the scales told a sorry tale this morning!

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Wishing for a camera

Warren came home the other day and he came in the garage door and said "Gee there's times when you just wish that you had a camera" he went on to say that he then remembered that he had his phone with him and of course it has a camera, problem solved!

He had gone out to the archery range which is only four or five kms from home for a practise shoot. The range is kept locked but members are given a key so they can go and practise.

He has shoot a few arrows and was actually looking at the grouping when he saw something entering the range a little further down.
A koala was crossing about 30 metres away, this is the closest he had been to one in the wild. I guess as it was quiet, he (the koala) thought he was on his own. Warren told me that he had watched him casually walk across then he went into the bush, later he followed and then got this photo.

Monday 12 May 2014

Driving with Ambos

I had to go into Brisbane (probably only the edge) the other day and I was waiting to turn right at lights, I was the second car back, in the far side. Alongside of me was a huge truck and a small car in front which was a learning to drive car.

We are all waiting for the lights to change when I heard a siren and in the side mirror, I see an ambulance coming down the hill, lights flashing and siren blaring. There is nowhere for the cars at the front to go so I move over as close to the truck as I can and then we get a green arrow and I thought good the Learner car can go around the corner and therefore the ambo can fit thru. Did he move? No of course not, it seemed to be a couple of minutes before he did move, then the ambulance could go thru and everyone got back to normal.

I followed the learner driver up the hill, thinking that the instructor should have taken over the controls or at least talked the learner though what to do in that case, an excellent lesson to be learnt. The learner driver turned left at the next corner  and then I realised that there is no learner, (only one person in the car) it is only the instructor and I thought "What a jerk!" he's an instructor in a learn to drive car and he held up an ambulance! even if it was only for a few seconds. I was not impressed!

Sunday 11 May 2014

House Rules!

This is a program that was advertised on TV and Warren and I thought that it was be interesting to watch. First night we sat down to be entertained. I think there are five or six couples and they renovate each others houses in a week. The first week was in Western Sydney and the house was owned by a young couple who said that the mortgage took most of their money and the house did need a lot of work (and that was an understatement).

Should be a good show but no, it seemed all the other couple argued about their "space" in the house, they were given an area to do and a few guidelines from the owners. The couples were also given a vehicle to use and two of the women couldn't drive a manual so that meant the men had to either go with them to do any shopping or pick ups. Of course it didn't finish that night, the ads had the "Final reveal" for the next show so again we watched it and there were more arguments/fights and back stabbing. We have not watched any further episodes. I would still like to see the end results but not worth watching ninety minutes of crap for a very quick final look.

Last night while watching footy, it was an exciting game, the adverts that came up for House Rules was annoying, apparently one guy had "stolen' another teams skirting boards which were painted and they had put them up as their own. I think we must have seen the ad about ten times in a two hour game, so so annoying!

It must be cheaper to put on reality shows as there is so many of them on TV now, Master Chef has just started again, The Block has just finished along with Biggest Loser. Farmer wants a wife is about to start plus "The Voice", Australian Idol and "You think you can dance". Of course the one I am really looking forward to is "Bogan Hunters" the ads are enough to put one off for life.

We do enjoy watching the Amazing Race though and that is getting to the end with only four couple left, i know that I would not have been able to do many of the things that they have to do to get through, the scenery is stunning as well.

Saturday 10 May 2014

A Reccie!

Now there's a word I haven't used for awhile or done but yesterday we went on a reccie. I am organizing a bus trip to a couple of historical buildings in Brisbane in a couple of months and as I don't know the area, I wanted to go and check out the very important things such as toilets and lunch venues.

Four of us went and as we were heading into Brisbane, where else would we have lunch but at the Top Nosh Cafe as I have written about before. The others had pretty big meals but I wanted to sample one of their ice coffees (three scoops of ice cream and hot coffee to pour over) I opted just for a sandwich, over all, didnt want to indulge too much.

Appetite satisfied, we drove into a very old part of Brisbane, Bowen Hills. The house is called Mieguyah House and apparently was built in 1826.
The house is only open on weekends and Wednesdays, they supply devonshire teas and a tour of the house, both for a cost, $6 each.
It is not far from the Brisbane River and possibly could see it (the river) from the verandah. Next was off to Newstead house, it is only a short drive and that is right on the river. On the bus trip, this is the chosen venue to have lunch and there is a cafe and a Chinese Take away only a few minutes walk along the river. Hopefully the weather will be nice, there is a rotunda with seats high above the water where we have lunch before heading back home.

Friday 9 May 2014

Please don't knock.

In the mail/post a few weeks ago,we received a sticker that can be placed on/near the front door which we used, as per photo.
Now that we are home most of the times, it is rather amazing how many people do come to the door, salespeople, people wanting surveys etc so it was good to put it on the door and avoid these types of call. 
Yesterday around 5pm, I was looking at the computer when there was a rattle at the front door, no car outside so I assumed it was our neighbour (after all, who would disregard the sign!) It was a young bubbly girl, early twenties and the first thing she said was, I'm not selling anything nor do I want any cash, without drawing breathe, she went on to ask if I knew about Para Olympians, when I said yes, she very gushingly said, oh its so nice that you have heard about them and then explained why she was there. It was their donation month next month and they were trying to raise awareness for a program that involved schools. There was about a five minute (seemed longer) spiel about the program and she gave me a disc to look at later. 

She then asked for ID, when I asked why, she said that she needed it so that the company would know that she did actually speak to people, ok, I could relate to that. She filled in a form with my name and address, using my pension card, she then asked for my credit details, again I asked why and she said for the donation, I said what donation and she said that was what it was about. I reminded her that she had said she didn't want any money and she said that was the way it was done by direct deposit only $9 a week which I could stop at any time just by sending an email. 

I told her that I would have been quite happy to make a one off donation but no way was I going to commit to a regular donation. Again she pressed the point of stopping at any time and I said no, she was still smiling but did do a bit of the guilt's and took back the disc.

Next time I will point to the sign and shut the door. Dont like to be rude but sometimes I think there is a need as its so easy to be rushed or talked into some thing that you don't really want to do. I donate to causes and I think the Para Olympians do get overlooked for funding but I want it to be my choice where my charity dollars go.I   

Thursday 8 May 2014

Sewing help

On a forum that I belong to, a lady asked about some sewing help. Long story short, she visited on Monday with sewing machine and what bits and bobs she had. Now she had said that her hubby had bought her an embroidery machine eight years ago but she had never used it, I have one but it is a different brand but I hoped I could help in some way.

I had some material cut out for her to make a shopping bag. Nothing worse than sitting at a machine for a few hours and all to show for that time in several rows of stitching which do nothing. I had told her that I would help her make that and then she would get the feel of the machine and then move on to other projects when she felt comfortable.

All well and good, pinned up and ready to sew. When she said she had never used it, she was telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. She wasn't sure how to thread it and neither did I, luckily she had brought the manuals as well, four of them. twenty minute went by and yes, we think it was done right.Next was the bobbin, she remembered being shown that and so that was much quicker.

First seam looked good but it was cobbled underneath, try again and again, same. we both decided that it was probably the tension, so we read up on that, didn't make any difference. Finally I said that maybe the machine should have a service. My machine is seventeen years old, is used on a regular basis and never been serviced but all machines are not the same. Instructions did keep saying, must only use such and such cottons. Nether of us really wanted to admit defeat, after all it was only a little machine for goodness sake. J said "I might change the cotton as I dont know what brand this one is" yep i was happy to her to give it one more go.

Well blow me down, it then sewed perfectly, who would have thought a brand of cotton would make all the difference. We has spent about an hour and a half before getting a decent stitch from it. We didn't get the whole bag done as her husband called to collect her but I will go to her place next week and hopefully we will have a better outcome. At least now she can thread the machine, both top and bottom and sew with it.

For one who sews a lot and has for many years, I was unprepared for a complete novice but what J said was that she didn't use it and then she kept putting it off and it had become a bit of an elephant in the room.

Pre-loved sale

We (our red hat group) had an invitation to attend this and also sell if we wanted to do so. It was advertised as moving on some Red Hat clothing or accessories and maybe replacing, so it was only reds and purples.

I offered to man the stall as it were and a few of our members had things that they either didnt like any more or didn't fit any more. I know that I have bought things just because it was purple but find that I don't wear.

Lots of red and purple and food, noise and chat. I sold a pair of shoes that I had bought in China because I liked them, not because they fitted me, they didn't! Luckily one of our member bought them so hopefully I will still see them occasionally Morning tea was supplied with the entrance fee of $5, I was expecting a cup of coffee and a scone but no, it was a scone, jam and cream, a cup cake, two different slices and a biscuit, oh boy I didn't need lunch!.( I actually didn't need all of that but funnily enough the plate was emptied.)

Usually its 'like father,like son"

Or however the phrase goes. in this case, its grandfather or Grampy.(Warren)

Youngest grandson is staying a little while with us and this morning I was doing something and AD says to me, "Nanna, come look" "What am I looking at?" (yes, I know excellent English!). He says "I cant tell you, you have to come." So being the most wonderful Nanna that I am (very tongue in cheek) I go with him. In the lounge room he had all the toys lined up that he wanted to play with and the "baby" toys were off to one side. I had told him last night that he could help sort out what toys we would keep and which ones we would donate to someone else. "Well done" I said before wandering back to whatever I had been doing.

Morning tea time and warren decided that he would take his outside, he came back inside and said "You'll never guess where a cane toad is!" "No, I probably wouldn't, where is it?" I ask, "No, you'll have to come and look!" Humm where had I heard that before? (cane toad was in a 5 inch (13cms)  square pot of mint, hunkered down so only his eyes and a little of his back was showing, the dirt on the floor was the give away) Yuck, wont be using any of that mint any time soon!

Sunday 4 May 2014


The bakery at Dayboro was calling and as we had cancelled bike riding for the weekend, it was the ideal time to go. Its one of our favourite places although in saying that, its about two and a half years since we have been there for lunch.
The bakery is quite a large building in the main street with a sheltered verandah to devour the goodies, very pleasant to sit and watch the traffic go by, a few birds drop in too..
This was lunch the weather 
was coolish and a pasty and coffee really hit the spot. Dayboro also has a great little craft shop, this is craft that have been created by members of the community and it is also run by those volunteers. I have bought a few things from there before but yesterday nothing really spoke to me and said "Buy me!" I did buy some pickles and tomato chutney. I was amazed at the number of eating places and this was outside another cafe.
In the photo, the bottom line is a bit hard to read but it says "and False Advertising" got to give them ten points for having something different.

Saturday 3 May 2014

Sleep or lack of!

From a young age, I have suffered from not being able to go to sleep. This seemed to be about once every six weeks or so, nothing that I worried about particularly. Later on in life,I would spend  many hours planning things and therefore my brain would be going nineteen to the dozen. My sleepless nights were getting closer to together, maybe to one every two or three weeks.

About fifteen years ago, I was with a couple of friends and suddenly they were talking about something that I wasn't aware of, the subject had changed I didn't say anything to them but it appeared to me that I had zoned out. It worried me that I may do that while driving so arranged to see my then doctor.

He put my mind at rest, saying that yes probably my body was tired and as i was relaxed, it shut down for a nano second he suggested no coffee late at night and some sleeping tablets to catch up on my sleep. I didn't like the idea of sleeping tablets until he assured me that they were natural and non addictive.

Most times, I don't have coffee or only decaf and I do keep the natural sleeping tablets if I need them. The two weeks I have had three nights a week of not sleeping, one night was okay i got a good nights sleep but the next was a shocker, I do read a lot of books during my night awakeness. I had run out of Sleep tablets, was it mind over matter, possibly.

I bought a new bottle and decided to take the tablets for 3 or 4 nights and get up at seven each morning, often if  don't get to sleep then I will sleep in a bit which doesn't make for a good sleep pattern. I did that three nights with tablets, slept well, alarm went off at seven am no more tablets two nights slept well, last night I was sleep and something woke me at midnight, I guess I had been to sleep for 30 or 40 minutes but the body decided that I had had enough sleep so i ended up awake for a couple of hours.

When I cant sleep, I lay for awhile and then I get up,(f I don't get up then my mind gets very active and I will have full on conversation or plan a full on menu) pay a visit to the bathroom, make a hot drink and read for 30 minutes or so then try to go to sleep again, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I know that I am tired now, late afternoon but I will stay up until my normal bedtime and hopefully i will sleep okay tonight.

Friday 2 May 2014

Pink Buns

One of my favourite things to eat but I know that if I am trying to weight then they are not the best for me. (I always seem to be trying to lose weight!) A couple of weeks ago there was an advert on TV regarding these, which made me decide to buy some and put them in the freezer for afternoon teas. If Warren and I share one then they are only 145 cals so ok for a snack. The pink finger buns are part of a fund raising for National Breast Cancer, any of these buns sold by Baker's Delight, a large percentage of the price will go towards NBC and research.
This poster was on the train this morning. The buns are on sale until the middle of may and there is a Mothers day fun run on Sunday 11 May. I will stick with the purchase of the buns!
Yum! They did go straight into the freezer to be rationed. 

Thursday 1 May 2014

The end of April

I made it! There were times when I didn't that I would manage to make it. I agreed to do two challenges in the month of April.

 One was called the Ultimate Blog challenge and that was to blog every day for a month. I remember writing on a face book page that it was day 6 and I had no idea what I was going to write about for that day nor the coming days but I did complete it. Some days were better than others, some days the words just flowed, there were other days that I really did have to think about it. Going into a new month, the challenge has finished and I may continue to blog every day or I may not, I do enjoy the writing but its whether or not I have something to write.

The other challenge was called a photo a day and there are prompts for each day to lodge a photo that fits the prompt. Yesterdays was called "something silly" and this was my photo for the day.
I made several of these (its a bunny, can just see the ears and whiskers) on the eve of Easter and delivered them to foreign teachers when we were living in China. Just a bit of fun and silliness to remember Easter than people at home would be experiencing. There are 15000 people from around the world who join in with PAD (photo a day) and there are some fantastic photos being generated. It is a closed FB page and people need to be a member. I will be continuing this month, some of the prompts for this month are Pet, Create, side view and blue. This was fun and made me think about what I was taking and why, I used some old photos and took some new ones as well for a particular purpose in mind.

During the month, I also finished editing the book that I wrote last November, I didn't touch it for two months and then I did a couple of chapters every few days. My darling daughter is going to do the final formatting part of it and then it will be sent to the publishers. I need to find a cover pic for it.