Saturday 17 May 2014

Jet Star flights

Last night we were talking to friends about visiting our son in Melbourne for his birthday and we said that it was a matter of finding the time to fit in a trip! The problems that one faces in retirement!

I had thought that it would be cheaper and easier to fly/drive but trying to convince the other member of the family (Warren) could be the problem. We usually take the camper van when we go down but its a 3/4 day drive, spend 3/4 days there and then another 3 days to return (always quicker to come home). A guessimate was two weeks min and fuel would be 7/8 fills at around $75 a tank plus camp fees at $30 a night, starts to add up, already at $1350, without the addition of coffee or snacks on the road.

An email from Jetstar come in this morning, I am a member and get notification of sales and as they are having their 10th birthday, they had some cheaper flights. Brisbane to Melbourne only $79. I am checking on availability when Warren walks past and asks what I am doing, I tell him that I am seeing how much it will cost to fly. He agrees that it would be cheaper plus he didn't want to miss out on a ride or Motor GP so I booked flights. Ended up that we have had to go a week earlier so that it doesn't clash with anything else we have on.

Only going for four days, cost $390, $79 each to fly down and $99 each t fly back and oh don't forget the $17 each to book online and pay by credit card! What the? It took several minutes to book as the site kept offering other little luxuries such as picking own seat only $11 each, travel insurance only $12.50 each, extra luggage $10, donation to Starkids $2, booking a car.


Of course all these extras are added on to the cost so if one doesn't want them, then one needs to find how to delete them off the bill. I finally got it done and then the cost of using a credit card which was the only way to pay.

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