Friday 9 May 2014

Please don't knock.

In the mail/post a few weeks ago,we received a sticker that can be placed on/near the front door which we used, as per photo.
Now that we are home most of the times, it is rather amazing how many people do come to the door, salespeople, people wanting surveys etc so it was good to put it on the door and avoid these types of call. 
Yesterday around 5pm, I was looking at the computer when there was a rattle at the front door, no car outside so I assumed it was our neighbour (after all, who would disregard the sign!) It was a young bubbly girl, early twenties and the first thing she said was, I'm not selling anything nor do I want any cash, without drawing breathe, she went on to ask if I knew about Para Olympians, when I said yes, she very gushingly said, oh its so nice that you have heard about them and then explained why she was there. It was their donation month next month and they were trying to raise awareness for a program that involved schools. There was about a five minute (seemed longer) spiel about the program and she gave me a disc to look at later. 

She then asked for ID, when I asked why, she said that she needed it so that the company would know that she did actually speak to people, ok, I could relate to that. She filled in a form with my name and address, using my pension card, she then asked for my credit details, again I asked why and she said for the donation, I said what donation and she said that was what it was about. I reminded her that she had said she didn't want any money and she said that was the way it was done by direct deposit only $9 a week which I could stop at any time just by sending an email. 

I told her that I would have been quite happy to make a one off donation but no way was I going to commit to a regular donation. Again she pressed the point of stopping at any time and I said no, she was still smiling but did do a bit of the guilt's and took back the disc.

Next time I will point to the sign and shut the door. Dont like to be rude but sometimes I think there is a need as its so easy to be rushed or talked into some thing that you don't really want to do. I donate to causes and I think the Para Olympians do get overlooked for funding but I want it to be my choice where my charity dollars go.I   

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