Thursday 15 May 2014


I visited the woman that I am helping with her sewing on Monday. I took a couple of books of patterns for her to look at, while we were going through them, I realised that they were too advanced for her just yet so I brought them home again. There is a pattern in one that I think would be suitable for her eight year old granddaughter and so I will draft the pattern first.

The book show clothes and then there is the pattern but as there are about 20 pattern in each book, the patterns run over each other and at first it is daunting to know how to draft a pattern from it.

I was having a more in depth on Tuesday and one pattern really appealed to me, I have not looked at these patterns in years and had de-cluttered the rest of them, I did have about a dozen or more but now only two and I don't really know why I held on to these. I thought I could make that and it would be
suitable for Lindsay, our only grand daughter. The flowers and leaves also featured in the pattern and as I had some felt from another project a few years ago, it was quite easy to do while watching TV. then I made a second one in drill, the first one is black corduroy and good for winter over a jumper or a long sleeved shivvie.
I added the frill as by spring, she will probably need the extra length and hte green was a piece that I had in my stash. I did go and buy the black and the drill and I got another couple of pieces as well so i should get four items for under $20. Ryan will be  twelve in June and I will send the black dress down for Lindsay with his birthday present.

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