Friday 30 May 2014

A bonus!

As I drove into the garage tonight, I could see Warren in the kitchen at the stove, hummm maybe he was cooking dinner. It was only 5.40 pm and we normally have eat around 6.30pm. Dreadful thought but I was hoping he wasn't cooking sausages, I usually have some snags in the freezer, they're handy if the kids come as I know that they are something that they will eat but I don't particularly like sausages and would much rather leave them in the freezer.

Anyway, what was cooking was crumbled ham slices and steamed vegetables. Crumbled?? my husband had been hiding his light under a bush! I had opened a can of ham a couple of days ago for sandwiches and did think that he could use the rest for an easy lunch. He had looked in the fridge and saw that and decided to crumble it.

He sliced the ham into fairly thick slices dipped them in a beaten egg and then into some crushed corn flakes and lightly fried in the pan, wonderful.

Dinner was served five minutes after I arrived home and I didn't have to think about dinner or do anything about it.  Bonus! (It tasted pretty good too!)

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