Wednesday 14 May 2014

Chocolate slice

I was asked to make something chocolatey (is that even a word?) for dessert on the weekend. Combined mothers day and grandson's seventh birthday lunch/party. Oh boy, I don't cook much these days and didn't want to just make a packet cake. I racked my brain and remembered a chocolate slice that my Uncle used to make, probably 40 odd years ago. He had a real sweet tooth and always had lollies and often this chocolate for when we visited. I didn't know the recipe but could remember some of the things in it.
It had rice bubbles in it and mixed fruit so I went shopping as I had none of those things in my cupboard. My version was a large block of plain chocolate and copha, I melted these together and added to three cups of rice bubble, half a packet of mixed fruit and a packet of small marshmallows. Mixed together and set in the fridge. It worked a treat. Did cost a bit though, I left the rest down at son's place as I figured that we didn't need the extra calories (the above was much fuller than this). We had the last two pieces each for an after lunch treat yesterday and the scales told a sorry tale this morning!

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