Thursday 1 May 2014

The end of April

I made it! There were times when I didn't that I would manage to make it. I agreed to do two challenges in the month of April.

 One was called the Ultimate Blog challenge and that was to blog every day for a month. I remember writing on a face book page that it was day 6 and I had no idea what I was going to write about for that day nor the coming days but I did complete it. Some days were better than others, some days the words just flowed, there were other days that I really did have to think about it. Going into a new month, the challenge has finished and I may continue to blog every day or I may not, I do enjoy the writing but its whether or not I have something to write.

The other challenge was called a photo a day and there are prompts for each day to lodge a photo that fits the prompt. Yesterdays was called "something silly" and this was my photo for the day.
I made several of these (its a bunny, can just see the ears and whiskers) on the eve of Easter and delivered them to foreign teachers when we were living in China. Just a bit of fun and silliness to remember Easter than people at home would be experiencing. There are 15000 people from around the world who join in with PAD (photo a day) and there are some fantastic photos being generated. It is a closed FB page and people need to be a member. I will be continuing this month, some of the prompts for this month are Pet, Create, side view and blue. This was fun and made me think about what I was taking and why, I used some old photos and took some new ones as well for a particular purpose in mind.

During the month, I also finished editing the book that I wrote last November, I didn't touch it for two months and then I did a couple of chapters every few days. My darling daughter is going to do the final formatting part of it and then it will be sent to the publishers. I need to find a cover pic for it.

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