Saturday 24 May 2014

Card Night (and Dinner)

Years ago we had young kids and very little money, we used to meet with friends for dinner and then our entertainment was a game of cards. When the kids bedtimes came, they would be put to bed in the lounge while we continued. We probably did this once a fortnight and alternated who's home would host.

Years later with many states, houses and moves in between we find ourselves living in the same suburb as our card playing friends and we still play cards.

Some things have changed, our kids all have children of their own, dinners are a little bit more fancy and the host supplies the wine as well now. Used to be that the guests would bring the wine, now the guests just turn up and enjoys the meal without having to do a thing. Our game playing has gone from three or four games in a night to only two and we only get together about every six weeks or so as even though we are all retired, we are too busy to meet more often.

Last night it was our turn to be the guests and it was nice to have roast pork and vegetables plus lemon pie and no dishes yay.

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