Thursday 22 May 2014

6.20AM Blergh!

This was the time my alarm went off yesterday morning and the time that I should have got out of bed, (I stayed under the doona for another few minutes hehe!)

It all started the night before when I received a phone offering me the" chance of a lifetime" something that would knock my socks off, a fantastic opportunity ending with an education experience not to be missed. My daughter is such a crack up, she wanted me to do something.

When she had gone to work that day, the guy that I am replacing (filling in for) for five weeks had suggested that I go into "work" and he could give me a bit of a run down on what he does and who he works with etc etc.

I didn't need to be persuaded and said "yes, please". It meant leaving home at 7am, hence the early morning alarm. Sleeping in until about eight, no blaring alarm bells had become habit forming and the having to get out of bed and get going was a bit hard to get into at first.

I left just after 7, 7.04 to be precise (I try to have ten minutes up my sleeve so any time in that ten mins is good) and arrived at Sheri's at 7.55, where upon I am informed that it was Bakery day. What the? Apparently Wednesday is the day they buy breakfast at the bakery on the way to school. I bought a little cup cake, should have just stuck to a drink as the cup cake had enjoyed a long life, must longer than it should have, later when it was pitched into the bin, it hit the edge and bounced into the air. Now, I ask you, should a cup cake be able to do that, Nooooo!

I spent a couple of hours with Mike, he showed me work that the kids had been doing and gave me a lot of information on the kids that he supports, he had a time table for me and then he took me around the grounds and showed me where classrooms that I would be going to. I hope I asked intelligent and well thought out questions. Next week when I go to work for real, I will be prepared (for exactly what I'm not sure but I will be able to find my way around)

Then I sat in a maths class and felt very dumb, I guess I had done those at school and after 60 minutes of the lesson, I did feel a glimmer of understanding of what it was about and how it was done, I think. I am sure back in the day, (just a few years since I was at high school) we didn't do foils!!! We just did algebra with x's and y's.

I met more of the teachers and kids that I would be working with and involved with, it was certainly well worth going along for the day. It did feel good to be back in school even though it was quite different to what I have used to.

The last part of the day (the education experience) was attending the hospital and seeing the bandaging come off JDs (14 year old grandson) surgery, how fascinating.

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