Thursday 29 May 2014

Second day at work

Well, work is very different to what I have been used to in the past. One thing that is probably me, I tun up to class, ten minutes early.I did this this morning and introduced myself to the teacher and explained who I was and why I was there, as the teacher looked a little non-plussed. Then he explained that it was form class (this takes part ten minutes before class). I was invited to sit and wait while he went thru messages and notices then everyone left. I felt like little Orphan Annie!

First lesson was due to start at 9.20 am, (rather different from an 8 am start!) around about 9.25 am, there were noises outside and  saw the girl that  I was to assist so at least I was in the right place, then students drifted in and the teacher, more introductions, lesson may have kicked off at 9.30 am.

It was science! luckily it wasn't too taxing for me and I helped just the one girl and we finished the class with a word search.

The differences between teaching and teacher aide???? I get to sit down, sometimes I don't even have to do too much. This afternoon I went to support a student in Maths 11, seeing as I only went to third year high school, I was hoping that I wasn't going to have to help too much. They had a revision sheet to work on and so I did one as well, really taxed my brain but I worked out most of the formulas so I'm not brain dead just yet. My student did well and then it was lunch. No bells is hard to get used to but as an aide I am finding that I don't have to be first there.

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