Wednesday 28 May 2014

Fuel prices!!!!

Oh my. I headed off to work this morning (yes, work!) and one f the petrol places that I drove past was advertising fuel (the kind I get )for only $1.77 a litre. Good grief and I just about need fuel too.

The next station which is about five kms away and on the other side of the road had posted $1.61, phew thats better! The second has alwys been a little cheaper which seems weird as they are the same fuel company.

Tonight while driving home, I was stopped for  breath test, quite happy to answer "No" to the question "Have you had anything to drink tonight?" it was about 5.10pm, two minutes later i was on my way again after the copper advised me to be careful of oncoming traffic.  Cant remember the last time i was breath tested, possibly fifteen years ago.

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