Monday 19 May 2014

Modern Technolgy

Just got to love it! Warren was reading his tablet this morning in bed while I was still sort of asleep. then he checked FB and saw a message from our daughter, she had had to take our grandson back to hospital to get his surgery site checked. He had texted her at 5am from his bedroom, no more than 10 steps from his room to her bed to say that his stomach felt like it was going to explode.

From bed, I grabbed my phone and sent her a message to ask if she needed me to come and look after the younger one, just sent it and decided that it would be quicker to ring so scrolling thru numbers and the phone goes, dah, it took me a couple of seconds to realise it was the landline which is in the kitchen. The answering machine cut in before I got there but was able to answer anyway. She then says "Were you texting from your bed"? Where else would any sensible person be at 8am if they didnt have to get up?

Further message says that surgeon has been and had a look and everything seems okay, just a bit of a shock to the system, dad took carers leave to look after younger one.

All this modern techo but how do you write it, is it text, texting or texted, or should one say, sent a text rather than texted?

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