Tuesday 13 May 2014

Wishing for a camera

Warren came home the other day and he came in the garage door and said "Gee there's times when you just wish that you had a camera" he went on to say that he then remembered that he had his phone with him and of course it has a camera, problem solved!

He had gone out to the archery range which is only four or five kms from home for a practise shoot. The range is kept locked but members are given a key so they can go and practise.

He has shoot a few arrows and was actually looking at the grouping when he saw something entering the range a little further down.
A koala was crossing about 30 metres away, this is the closest he had been to one in the wild. I guess as it was quiet, he (the koala) thought he was on his own. Warren told me that he had watched him casually walk across then he went into the bush, later he followed and then got this photo.

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