Sunday 18 May 2014


Costco is coming to town just down the road, well about 17kms down the road. I have been meaning to sign up but it is still a couple of weeks away from opening so of course I haven't done anything about it yet.

Wednesday or Thursday, they featured on the news as the petrol side had opened that day and petrol was 20 cents a litre cheaper than anywhere else. On Friday in our local free paper there was an application form and Warren asked me if I wanted to join. We decided to go  a little earlier as we were heading that way later on in the afternoon. We filled out our form and went, there were cars everywhere and a line up of about a hundred people in front of us, we waited for twenty minutes and had only moved a short way. Warren went up the line and there was about another twenty or thirty people inside. If people had paid on-line, they were in a different line and just picking up the cards. We left and decided to sign up on-line. Must have taken a lot of money that day, and no goods sold. Sixty dollars to become a member but the savings are said to be very good.

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