Tuesday 20 May 2014

Mother Africa (The show)

 We went in by train, only way to travel, no traffic hassles, no parking hassles or cost, definitely a win win to take public transport. We do have to change trains but then it is a block to the theatre from there.

As we had to leave by 11.30, we walked along the river and bought lunch before going in, it was so nice along the river, that's another place that every time we go I think, why don't we do this more often but can only do what one can do.

Warren told me as the lights were going down that he had a bit of a headache and then the MUSIC started. I wondered how his head was coping but he said after that it was fine. I did note that he took a couple of panadol after we got home, he said it was probably the pizza and coke that he had eaten the night before.

 Wow what a show that was. Very loud but not loud in the sense that you wish you could turn it down. Very energetic and a fun show.

Lots of drumming, little singing which surprised me I thought there would have been more. Lots of acrobatics, juggling tumbling, cycling on one wheel with the bikes getting bigger, a couple of strong men who tossed one another around. It was a very colourful and enjoyable show, two halves of about fifty minutes each. The backdrops were scenes of Africa shown in a map of Africa.

Warren said that he had heard that the acts had come from people doing busking on the streets and some-one thought it would be a neat idea to put them together and tour, it was!

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