Tuesday 27 May 2014

Quilting show

Today, I went to a quilting show/exhibition on Bribie Island. I think they have it every year as I do remember going about five years ago. An entry fee to break the bank! $3 which included morning tea, I was going to comment that you couldn't get much better than that but I guess free would be cheaper!

I didn't take my camera so no photos but gee, some people are just so talented. Makes me want to get quilting but I know that I am just not precise enough to put quilt together. I like to appliqué and stuff like that but I am in too much of a hurry to get things finished to piece things exact but I do like to go and look and marvel.

There were a couple of interesting quilts today of the same sort and we decided that it must have been a competition, they were called suduko (the puzzle with numbers) the squares all had nine squares each different colours and placed in different ways.

We got to vote on the quilt that we thought was the best overall. My girlfriend who I took with me voted on the same one which was made by a guy, well we assumed because his name was George. It was a stunning quilt, black background with very vivid colours, slightly Asian looking prints with gold fleck through them, just amazing.

 We laughed as the last time we went to a quilt show and had to vote, we chose opposite to what our colours are, I like most things blue and wear a lot of blues and my GF wears pinks. She picked a blue quilt as her favourite and I chose a pink one but today there was no question, George's oriental quilt was head and shoulders above the rest.

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