Saturday 10 May 2014

A Reccie!

Now there's a word I haven't used for awhile or done but yesterday we went on a reccie. I am organizing a bus trip to a couple of historical buildings in Brisbane in a couple of months and as I don't know the area, I wanted to go and check out the very important things such as toilets and lunch venues.

Four of us went and as we were heading into Brisbane, where else would we have lunch but at the Top Nosh Cafe as I have written about before. The others had pretty big meals but I wanted to sample one of their ice coffees (three scoops of ice cream and hot coffee to pour over) I opted just for a sandwich, over all, didnt want to indulge too much.

Appetite satisfied, we drove into a very old part of Brisbane, Bowen Hills. The house is called Mieguyah House and apparently was built in 1826.
The house is only open on weekends and Wednesdays, they supply devonshire teas and a tour of the house, both for a cost, $6 each.
It is not far from the Brisbane River and possibly could see it (the river) from the verandah. Next was off to Newstead house, it is only a short drive and that is right on the river. On the bus trip, this is the chosen venue to have lunch and there is a cafe and a Chinese Take away only a few minutes walk along the river. Hopefully the weather will be nice, there is a rotunda with seats high above the water where we have lunch before heading back home.

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