Thursday 8 May 2014

Usually its 'like father,like son"

Or however the phrase goes. in this case, its grandfather or Grampy.(Warren)

Youngest grandson is staying a little while with us and this morning I was doing something and AD says to me, "Nanna, come look" "What am I looking at?" (yes, I know excellent English!). He says "I cant tell you, you have to come." So being the most wonderful Nanna that I am (very tongue in cheek) I go with him. In the lounge room he had all the toys lined up that he wanted to play with and the "baby" toys were off to one side. I had told him last night that he could help sort out what toys we would keep and which ones we would donate to someone else. "Well done" I said before wandering back to whatever I had been doing.

Morning tea time and warren decided that he would take his outside, he came back inside and said "You'll never guess where a cane toad is!" "No, I probably wouldn't, where is it?" I ask, "No, you'll have to come and look!" Humm where had I heard that before? (cane toad was in a 5 inch (13cms)  square pot of mint, hunkered down so only his eyes and a little of his back was showing, the dirt on the floor was the give away) Yuck, wont be using any of that mint any time soon!

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