Friday 16 May 2014

Toilet seats

These things have been the bane of my life recently. A few months ago, the seat in our en-suite was looking tacky, instead of white, it was a yellowy colour and had also gone quite hard so it was replaced with a nice new white seat with a self closing lid, bonus.

Move on to about six weeks ago, after my shower, I put my leg up on the toilet seat to dry it like I have done for years and there was a crack! Oh no, I have cracked the reasonably new toilet seat, thank goodness we have another toilet which was in use for a couple of days until we got to the shops and bought a new one. Note to self, do not put leg on toilet seat.

On Sunday while using new seat, now about about five weeks old, I lent to one side to pick up an empty toilet roll that had fallen to the floor and crack, it went again! I know that I do weigh more than I should but I didn't think that I was that heavy! It appears that the seats we had bought had quite high lugs underneath them to raise the seat off the porcelain and there was only three points so if the weight shifts then it results in cracking. See it wasn't me after all!  (well, not all me anyway).

Warren put hundred mile tape on the seat so that it could be used and yesterday, a free day for him, he ventured to the "Big boys toy shop" (Bunnings hardware) and bought a solid wooden seat and installed it.
This was twice the price and it doesn't have a self closing lid but it is solid and warm to sit on, bliss (I also know that it is NOT going to crack!)

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