Saturday 3 May 2014

Sleep or lack of!

From a young age, I have suffered from not being able to go to sleep. This seemed to be about once every six weeks or so, nothing that I worried about particularly. Later on in life,I would spend  many hours planning things and therefore my brain would be going nineteen to the dozen. My sleepless nights were getting closer to together, maybe to one every two or three weeks.

About fifteen years ago, I was with a couple of friends and suddenly they were talking about something that I wasn't aware of, the subject had changed I didn't say anything to them but it appeared to me that I had zoned out. It worried me that I may do that while driving so arranged to see my then doctor.

He put my mind at rest, saying that yes probably my body was tired and as i was relaxed, it shut down for a nano second he suggested no coffee late at night and some sleeping tablets to catch up on my sleep. I didn't like the idea of sleeping tablets until he assured me that they were natural and non addictive.

Most times, I don't have coffee or only decaf and I do keep the natural sleeping tablets if I need them. The two weeks I have had three nights a week of not sleeping, one night was okay i got a good nights sleep but the next was a shocker, I do read a lot of books during my night awakeness. I had run out of Sleep tablets, was it mind over matter, possibly.

I bought a new bottle and decided to take the tablets for 3 or 4 nights and get up at seven each morning, often if  don't get to sleep then I will sleep in a bit which doesn't make for a good sleep pattern. I did that three nights with tablets, slept well, alarm went off at seven am no more tablets two nights slept well, last night I was sleep and something woke me at midnight, I guess I had been to sleep for 30 or 40 minutes but the body decided that I had had enough sleep so i ended up awake for a couple of hours.

When I cant sleep, I lay for awhile and then I get up,(f I don't get up then my mind gets very active and I will have full on conversation or plan a full on menu) pay a visit to the bathroom, make a hot drink and read for 30 minutes or so then try to go to sleep again, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I know that I am tired now, late afternoon but I will stay up until my normal bedtime and hopefully i will sleep okay tonight.

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