Monday 26 May 2014

Half time at the footy

When the footy is on TV you will usually find me in front of it, doesn't matter who's playing of course if its my team that's a bonus. Saturday afternoons in winter, my spot is in my chair, coffee by my side, knitting in hand, my idea of bliss. However, I am not that keen on the blow by blow account that the commentators do, to pass the time at half time, so I tend to get up and do something else until the game is back on.

I drink weak black coffee and sometimes, I feel like something else, I used to buy a rather expensive coffee blend for those occasions but I have come up with an alternative that I make myself. The blend is called Swiss Moments and is described as 'Creamy coffee with a hint of chocolate." My blend is two part coffee, one part chocolate, one part sugar and two parts milk powder. To make it, I get out my mixer which lives in a deep cupboard. I didn't have any left so half time Saturday was a good time to make it.

I rinsed off the mixer and then decided to use it to make some fish cakes while I had it out. I had a tin of tuna and fish meals are a little lacking in our diet. I used the shredder on the mixer to grate some carrot, zucchini and sweet potato, all good to spin out the tuna and make it taste good plus use up some vegetables.

Warren wanders into the kitchen and asks what was I doing, I told him and he is still hovering. He then asks why I am making them, I reply for tomorrow's lunch. He has a strange look on his face before he says, "Have I forgotten something?"   "I don't know, have you?" "Well, are we going somewhere or having anyone over?" No, I said this is just for us on a Sunday afternoon. He looked relieved, and said "Phew, I thought I was supposed to know something" He does have a bad memory but not that bad.
Four cooked fish cakes and the rest are cooking, they will be for the freezer for another day.

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