Sunday 4 May 2014


The bakery at Dayboro was calling and as we had cancelled bike riding for the weekend, it was the ideal time to go. Its one of our favourite places although in saying that, its about two and a half years since we have been there for lunch.
The bakery is quite a large building in the main street with a sheltered verandah to devour the goodies, very pleasant to sit and watch the traffic go by, a few birds drop in too..
This was lunch the weather 
was coolish and a pasty and coffee really hit the spot. Dayboro also has a great little craft shop, this is craft that have been created by members of the community and it is also run by those volunteers. I have bought a few things from there before but yesterday nothing really spoke to me and said "Buy me!" I did buy some pickles and tomato chutney. I was amazed at the number of eating places and this was outside another cafe.
In the photo, the bottom line is a bit hard to read but it says "and False Advertising" got to give them ten points for having something different.

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