Wednesday 16 September 2015

The Last Cab to Darwin

An Australian movie that we went to see last night. Warren had mentioned it a few weeks ago and said he would like to go. I knew what the story was about and wasn't keen to see it so didn't follow through.

It was mentioned again and he said glumly "I guess we have missed that movie" I gathered that he REALLY wanted to see it so I did some research and found that it was still on but during the day only. He didn't want to go on his own so back to the computer. It was showing at 7 pm last night on Bribie Island. It was there or not at all.

It was based on a true story and is about a guy who has been given about three months to live. He read about Euthanasia being allowed in Northern Territory and contacted the doctor to volunteer.

The movie was better than I expected and as usual with Aussie movies it is a "pick the actor" .and what have they been in before. Two of the main characters were indigenous and I hadn't seen either of them act before but they both played excellent roles.

Another unusual thing about this movie was that it was filmed on the road so they actually drove from Broken Hill to Darwin and filmed in each other places, scenery was great with a bit of road kill, road trains etc thrown in for good measure.

The last movie that I saw Micheal Caton in was The Castle and that was scheduled for eleven days of filming and they did it in seven (something like that)and did rather well in the States but they had to change a word or two, rissoles to hamburger was one.

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