Wednesday 9 September 2015

A Boost to the Ego

Today at work one of the teachers, whose class I go to help with on a Wednesday afternoon, told me that she was so glad I was back. She said the boys from the class had been pestering her if I was coming back. She said that they had really missed me. I had been away the last two Wednesdays. I thought that it was nice of her to say so.

Its a class of year ten boys most need a bit of help with either writing, reading or just to encourage them to do some work. Nice kids but definitely in the "naughty" stream. Annoying and frustrating but I cant help liking them.

I went to the canteen to get a bite for morning tea, very unusual for me and I saw two of the boys there, they rushed over and stated "You're back!" I agreed with them, they rushed on and asked if  I would be in English, I said "Yes" and B said "Thank heavens as I need some help" he has never asked for help from me before although I have helped him.

It was a good lesson and we got a lot done although one in particular said to me "You just write it for me" I said , No that's not how it works, you tell me what to write and I will type it for you" Between us we got half his assignment done and one of the other boys that I helped as well is almost finished, they have one more lesson to finish it.

They know the story and was happened in the story but find it hard to put it down on paper so need a bit suggestions or reminders.

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