Sunday 27 September 2015

Its a small world.

I was looking for a scallop pie for lunch at the markets. No pies, they had moved on to having scallops on pizza so I ordered one of those only to find that they had sold out. I ended up having roast pumpkin and feta slice.

We went to sit and eat on the lawns alongside the markets and two women sat on the other end. It seemed that they were new to Tassie. They were with a garden group from Melbourne. One lady in particular was talking to us about the group and they often go on trips. The next one was to the Grampians, I remarked that was close to our home towns and then she asked if I knew a certain person. Huh, not only knew him but played hockey with his sister and mother when I was at high school and grew up living next door to his aunt!

I gave her my name and said that she would mention it to his mum when next she spoke to her.

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