Saturday 12 September 2015

Spotlight Visit

I wore a new top the other day and I really liked the style so I paid a visit to Spotlight to buy a pattern that was similar. I haven't made myself anything for awhile but I do have plenty of fabric.
These are the patterns that I bought, two for me and two kids ones. A friend of mine makes kids pjs for a charity and I have thought that I could do that as well, but I didn't have a suitable pattern.
Oops, I did buy some fabric as well (they did have a sale on!) and I promised myself that I would make the pieces up as soon as possible.
This morning I washed the fabric (I always wash it before cutting in to it) and cut out the patterns while they were drying.
Patterns always look daunting at first so much paper. It is a multi sized pattern and I decided to go for the medium size which is for seven to eight year old, I can easily go one size smaller or one larger.
I selected this one to make first.
Yay, finished just before the footy started. I do have to sew buttons and button holes but that means changing things on my sewing machine so will do all the button holes at the one time. I hope to make another couple of pairs before I start on my tops next weekend. My challenge is to have all four new pieces of material made up before next term starts, that gives me three weeks.

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