Monday 7 September 2015

A hospital visit

Today I went in to visit Aidan and was surprised to see Sheridan there, I had forgotten that she had a few days off work! He had to interview an "old" person for a school project. Sheri wrote out the questions for him and asked me the questions and wrote down the answers. Doctors and a cleaner came in while he was doing it, its a busy place, his room. Had just enough time to go to the family room where he played and we had a coffee.

Lunch time and as he has to be isolated on the ward, we selected his lunch and took it to him. Sheridan and I took ourselves off to the Sushi Train cafe which is just outside the hospital probably a couple of hundred metres. I had eaten there once before but we had ordered off the menu today however we just picked dishes as they came around.

I will be going into hospital again tomorrow and I have been asked to bring in some more cones. Grampy got him a remote car last week and he wants the cones to drive around and he would like some craft stuff.

I finally got to the library and Spotlight this afternoon so have books to read and sewing to do, I needed (wanted) some patterns to make some tops for myself, have plenty of material just need the inspiration to do something with it, hopefully new patterns will be it.

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