Wednesday 2 September 2015


Now there's a dreaded word or it was before I had my first done after I turned fifty. I don't remember if I contacted Breast Screen or if they contacted me, of course Warren had a field day teasing me about it. He wanted to put blocks of ice in the freezer and hold up to my boobs "so I would know what to expect". There were a few more suggestions but its/they're not as bad they sound to be.

Can be a little cold while waiting around, they used to have the person/lady undress and get into a flimsy hospital jacket then when called go into a different room but now its all done in the one room. Disrobe and "step up to the plate" and its usually all done in less than five minutes (maybe ten). My last one was at 9.15 am and I was asked to come a little early to fill out the paperwork which I did and I walked out at 9.20 am, very efficient. I was told I would get a letter in about two weeks.

Ten days later, last week, I got a phone call, not a letter with an "all clear  see you in two years" as expected. They wanted to see me for a further check, that was a bit worrying, in the next couple of weeks. I tried to make an apt on the days that I don't work but no, these type of tests were only done on Wednesday or Fridays and I had to travel to a hospital about an hour from here.

At first I was thinking of all the things that could go wrong, needing chemo, needing a boob or two off and then I thought well, lets get it over and done with so I took the first available appointment.

Today was the day!

I slept well last night, surprise surprise. Left in plenty of time as parking in a nightmare apparently and that proved to be correct. I drove around for 30 minutes and finally settled into the last park available which did state "oral Hygiene, ninety minutes" and asked that the referral letter be displayed, it was right next to the Breast Screen one. I displayed the Breast screen letter head,  I thought well, if I get a fine, I cop a fine, I was five mins late by then and still had several meters to walk.

I was taken into a waiting room and shown where to change in a loose jacket and then given a cup of coffee, one sip and my name was called. First up was a nurse to go through what was about to happen and for me to sign a consent form. Back in waiting room and answering a text message when my name is called again, this time its another mammogram but only on one side the side where they had seen a small blip (about the size of a pin head). This mammogram did hurt as it was a deeper and more penetrating than normal.

Dressed in "flattering" jacket and back in waiting room again and only one story in the magazine read as a different person calls my name. This young woman states she is a doctor and will give me an examination. A few questions re possible cancer in family which is a no. She says she cant find anything and back to the waiting room again, should have a revolving door on it. This time biscuits and cheese are being offered. I did finish my biscuit and coffee before whisked off for a Ultra sound.

I have had ultra sounds before but not in that area. Wipe off gel and yes, you guessed it back to the waiting room. Only one other woman in a jacket there now and a couple vollies. We chat about what we are doing for the rest of the day. Door opens and yep, called again and into another room. The woman introduces herself and says she has good news. She shows me the pictures and explains the difference shots and says everything is clear and they would send a letter to that effect and to continue to have my two yearly mammograms. She got me a letter for work and that was that. Back to the car in just under ninety minutes and no ticket!

Actually everyone was really nice and helpful and calm, I am going to send a letter of thanks to Breast Screen Australia re my day

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