Thursday 24 September 2015

Gordon River Cruise

With 200 other people we headed up the river this morning. We spent a bit extra and got window seats.
We headed out through Hells Gates.
This wall doesnt look very impressive now but it was built and finished in 1901, took 300 men three years. A trench was dug and then filled with rocks, this was to hold back the waves. The rocks were brought down from the mountains by hand as no trucks could get in there.
This is a 500 year old huon pine tree, no bugs can get into these trees and they were popular to cut down and used to built boats with the wood.
There was a chance to stop and take a walk on a board walk through the rain forest and then after lunch, we also stopped for an hour at Sarah Island where the female convicts were off loaded. Most people know about Port Arthur for convicts but other islands were used as well.

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